chapter 44

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Viviana' s POV:

Break is going by very quick. Calum and I spent all day buying things for tomorrow and I'm feeling like this New year's party is going to be cute.

We sat in his living room as his parents were getting ready to leave. They were visiting Mali-Koa up in New York.

"This party is going to be cool. " I smiled at him.

"Stop calling it a party it's just us. " he chuckled. "Yeah. It'll be okay." He smirked at me. His eyes moved to my lips. I tightened my lips into a line.

"Nope." I chuckled.

"Just a little kiss. Right here." I giggled at the way he puckered his lips.

"No. Say the party will be amazing." I laughed and kicked my legs up onto his lap.

"But it's not a party!" He whined. "Just kiss me. We've done this too many times and who always wins?" I chuckled and turned my head. "Okay fine." He sighed. "The Party" he used his fingers to make quotations "will be amazing." I smirked and Kissed his lips quickly.

"Okay guys. I think we're ready. Be good and don't play the music too loud." David spoke as he pulled the luggage outside.

"Okay dad. Have a safe drive." Calum said his goodbye and they were out the door.

He watched them drive out of the driveway and down the road. "Okay!"

He turned his radio up and grabbed something from the counter. "What's that?" I asked as I neared him.

"Pop corn." He spoke.

"Ohh. " I sat on the counter in front of him.

"Yeah. Here." He had me set it in the microwave that was behind me.

"So what are we gonna do today?" I asked as I kicked my feet.

"Well I's already six so what can we do. We can go to tower?" He gripped my waist.

"Sounds good." I smiled and pecked his lips. The beep of the microwave blasted in my ear.

"Put your shoes on and we can go." He pulled me down off the counter. I slipped my converse on and walked back into the kitchen.

"I'm ready." I gripped his butt, causing him to chuckle and move away.

"That's called rape." Wewalked out of the house. He locked the door behind him and we got into the car.

"It's not rape if you like it." I chuckled. As we neared tower I rolled my window up and grabbed my bag.

We walked into Rasputin. We spent the day shopping and throttling. We got some teazers, and got back home around 10:00.

"Calum I'm tired." I whined as I walked up the stairs.

"Then get ready for bed kid." He threw his shirt at me and I quickly pulled it over my bare back.

"Thanks." I pulled my jeans off and I walked into the bathroom so I could wash my teeth. "Where's my bag?"

"In the living room. I'll get it." He returned with my black bag and I quickly retrieved my toothbrush.

I crawled into bed after I was done washing my face. I curled up next to him and entangled my legs with his.

"Goodnight baby." He ran his hand through my hair.

"Night bug." I kissed his chest and fell asleep to his heart beat and the way his chest rose and fell as he breathed.


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