chapter 60

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Calum's POV:

I sat on the edge of the bed with her head in my chest." So what are we doing today?" She spoke as I looked at her.

"Whatever you wanna do." I shrugged. I can honestly do anything with her, whether it's laying in bed to playing vide games, to shopping. It honestly doesn't matter.

"Mm. We can go to the park?" I nodded.

"Yeah. Sounds fun." I grinned as she placed her small hands on my cheeks, picking my lips quickly.

"Alright well put some clothes on naked. " she flicked my nipple and walked into the bathroom.

I chuckled to myself and looked through my bag. I grabbed my joggers and my muscle t. I tied my black sneakers.

I grabbed my toothbrush and walked into the bathroom. Viv was brushing her teeth when I noticed her.

I grabbed the toothpaste and put it on the brush after running it under the water.

We brushed our teeth while looking at each other in the mirror. This is what it'd be like if we lived together. Every morning.

"I love you." She smiled and leaned onto my shoulder.

"I love you too." After she brushed her teeth, she brushed her hair. I leaned against the sink and watched her. "Hold on let me change my shoes." She spoke.

We walked out and I watched her take her black high top converse out of the closet. She took her creepers off and tied on her converse.

"Okay come on." We walked out the door and to her car. As we drove over there, I set my hand on her thigh, something I've been doing this for a while now, and listened to the sex pistols.

When we arrived, we found the playground. "No this is lame." I chuckled as she pulled me to the teeter totter.

"Come on please!" I laughed as she sat on the seat.

"I'm not doing it." I stood there as she furrowed her eyebrows. Shit.

"Finneee. " I sighed and walked over to the other side.

I laughed as we bounced up and down on the playground. "Lets go on the slide." I nodded over to the red, curvy slide.

"I thought this was lame." She smirked as we got off the teeter totter.

"Shut up." I laughed as we climbed up the steps. I sat down behind her as we adjusted ourselves so we fit right.

"Cal we can't!" I laughed as she leaned against me.

"Yeah we can!" I laughed as I pushed us forward.

"You're giraffe legs are in the way!" Our laughs were loud as we got down the slide.

"Go on the monkey bars." I teased her as we walked over to them.

"I can't even reach them!" I chuckled as she reached for it.

"Here I'll help you." I placed my hands on her hips and lifted her up. Her hands grasped the bars and I set her on my shoulders.

I walked while she gripped onto the bars. She giggled as we made it all the way to the end.

"I can do it." I reached the bars. My feet didn't get off the floor.

"No fair." I chuckled and grabbed her hand. We walked onto the street and swung our hands.

"Hey look you want ice cream?" I asked her. I'm not sure if she'll want it.

"Uh sure." I smiled and walked over to the ice cream truck. I ordered two mint chocolate chips and paid the man behind the door.

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