chapter 43

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Calum's POV:

Her family was great and it was my turn to have her over for Christmas.

After these two weeks of finals, I will be able to hang out with her even more because I've talked to her family already.

I met her at lunch. It was just us today, I haven't talked to any of the guys in a while, except for practice.

"hey." I smiled while she walked towards me. She looked a bit pissed.

"hey." she sighed and sat in front of me.

"you okay?" I grabbed her hand and she quickly relaxed her shoulders.

"yeah. I just really hate that class." I chuckled at how hotheaded she was.

Viviana's POV:

The two weeks of finals went quick and it was finally break. When Cal dropped me off, I quickly rushed up to my room and showered.

I got into some pajamas and laid in bed. My thoughts went to Christmas night and relief flooded my body. I adore Christmas.

My phone buzzed on the nightstand and I quickly reached for it, knowing it was Calum.

When I read the name on the screen I was a bit surprised as to why he was texting me.

*hey stranger. (:* ~Luke

*hey. what's up?* I sent and furrowed my brows.

*not much. hey um I wanted you to meet someone I think you'll like her.* ~Luke

Well that's one way to tell someone you moved on. I didn't feel angry at him but it kind of stung.


*yeah. so are you busy tomorrow?* ~Luke

*nope. I'll hang out with her but in one condition.* I smirked and pushed my phone under my pillow.

I grabbed a bite and went back into bed. I found myself wondering what she looks like. How she acts.


"okay see you guys. " I waved off Calum and Luke. Its been a while.

"be nice." I spoke not Calum's ear as he pulled me in for a kiss.

I got in the car with Luke's girlfriend and smiled. he was gorgeous. Her eyes were blue and hair blonde. She's tall and thin, cute freckles. The girl for him.

Calum's POV:

"So." I sighed as we sat in my room.

"so." he looked around.

"you know" I sighed. "I hate us not talking. it's iritating as fuck and I hate not having anyone to hang out with when Viv can't. "

"me to man. whatever happened. Happened so we need to get over it. " I nodded and agreed.

The rest of the day we skated, like we used to in freshman year.

Viviana's POV:

"he talks about you sometimes. " I chuckled at the way she spoke.

"what does he say?" I didn't want to sound self-centered but I really need to know this.

"just about how close you guys are and how you guys met. its cute. I want a friendship like that." I smiled. He didn't tell her anything.

I spent the rest of the day hanging out with Madlynn and eating junk food in my room.

After she had to go, I called Cal and hung out with him.

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