chapter 31

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Viviana's POV:

So I didn't end up going with Calum because I felt like I needed a breather..I swear these boys are going to make me dig my own grave.

Calum's POV:

After Viv told me she had a ton of homework I decided to see Cydney. Her parents aren't home tonight so I got ready and headed towards her house.

I parked my car in front of her house. I rang the door bell and a few moments later she was in the doorway in a black lace night dress.

She was a beauty but not nearly as great as Viv's body.

I followed her up stairs as she pulled on my hand softly guiding me.

"I've missed you." she hummed and opened the door to her room. The smell of vanilla filled my senses and it hit me how long it's been since I've been here.

"I've missed you to." I smirked. I'm not gonna lie, she was extremely irresistible in that sexy, tight, lace clothing.

I took a seat on her bed and kicked off my shoes. She came closer to me and wrapped her fragile hands around my neck.

"how are you?" she nibbled on my ear as her free hand traced down my chest. I felt myself getting aroused.

I struggle as I looked for the words' I've been fine' but all I could think about was the way her body was wrapped around me.

"you okay?" she giggled as her eyes wandered down at me. A smirk pulled at my lips.

"I'm fine. but you look better." I placed my hands on her hips as she guided herself onto me.

Cydney's lips kissed up my neck and onto my lips. I slid my tongue into her mouth, exploring every inch of her. I've missed this, it feels foreign.

She's bitter sweet but I love the taste. Not live Vivs. I need to get her out of my mind. I'm with Cydney right now, my girlfriend.

I caressed her as her hips grinder into me, hardening me past what I could take. Cydney's lips went down my stomach to my pants. Her fingers struggled to get my button undone.

"so where have you been?" she asked me placing her hands on my thighs.

"I've been around." I rushed.

"with that Viv girl." I sat up.

"what does she have to do with any of this? She's irrelevant right now. " I lied. "I love you and only you."

"yeah. " she rolled her eyes. "seems like you hang out with her a lot. "

"she's my friend. of course I'm gonna hang out with her. what. are you jealous? " I regret saying that.

"sure. jealous of what exactly?" everything. I couldn't bring myself to say it.

"you're taking this too far. "

"whatever Calum. because I kiss my friends." she rolled her eyes.

"shut up. that was once and it just happened. you're jumping to conclusions." my voice raised.

"Calum. don't tell me to shut up. and if I was jumping to conclusions I would have no evidence but clearly I do."

"is this what you wanted to hang out for Cydney?" I grabbed my shoes. "whatever man. " I shook my head and left.

             ~Next day~

Viviana's POV:

Ashton invited me and Bree to a late night gig. Harry is throwing a party and needed a band so they invited.

I waited for Harry and Louis to pick me up. A few minutes later they pulled up and I quickly got in the back. i noticed their hands intertwined.

They were adorable. "you guys are cute." Harry smiled as Louis kissed his hand.

"thanks." Harry grinned.

I got to the party a bit late because the boys decided that they wanted to get a bit before going. I didn't mind at all.

I sat on the couch and sipped on my punch. I really didn't want to drink tonight but knowing Calum, I'm gonna end up baby sitting.

I watched as the ' band' set up their equipment and the amount of unrecognizable faces I've seen walk in.

"testing? 123." Micheal's voice was heard through the speakers. His hair was green now, I liked it.

I wasn't having much fun. I didn't know any one here and the ones I was going to hang out with are up on the stage.

Calum's POV:

Our gig was good. We sang a few songs and messed around on the stage Harry set up. It was cool.

I begged Cydney to come tonight because I felt like we were on speaking terms.

My phone rang when I was getting a drink. "hello?" I answered.

"hey um. I'll be there in 5." I agreed and hung up. I just wanted to get waisted.

"hey." I found Viv alone on the leather couch next to the door.

"what's up." she sounds bored already.

"how'd we sound?" I asked, hoping for a good response.

"it was really good. " she nodded. "I need a drink so I can relax will you get me one?" I'm not sure if I should or not but I don't want her to seem like I'm trying to baby sit her.

"here have mine I haven't drank from it yet." I handed her the red cup and she gulped almost half of it down.

"so where's the guys?" she looked around the living room filled with people.

"um they're packing up the equipment." I pointed at Mikey who was putting his guitar in the case.

"that's fun." she sounds sarcastic. My phone rang and soon Cheney's face was on my screen.

"I'll be right back. " I spoke and walked outside.

I walked towards the porch and watched as the small figure in white jeans and a black jacket walked up.

"hey." I smiled and hugged her. "you made it." I walked her inside.

I walked back to where Viv was but she wasn't anywhere in sight. She must have found the guys.


(yo I'm tired man. I'll update again tomorrow.)


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