chapter 46

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Viviana's POV

I really hate school activities honestly. Its weird really. Students getting together into one event. Its just not my cup of tea.

The reason I brought this up is because prom is coming up and I'm not so sure if I want to go. It depends.

I sat at the lunch table with the guys and Madz. I've been hanging around Madlyn a lot and she's a really cool girl. I sure as hell can add her into the group of close friends.

I drift away from the conversation constantly, just to sit and stay in a little bubble filled with my thoughts while they talk.

"Viv?" I snapped out of my daydreams.  "Viv what do you think?" I nodded not knowing what they were talking about. "Do you know what I'm saying? " Madz spoke.

"Um. No sorry." I chuckled.

"Its cool. We're talking about going shopping for dresses for prom. " I panicked. I'm not sure if I want to go yet.

"Oh okay. Um cool." I nodded. I'll go with them to see the dresses.

"Okay. We'll go today after school and we can get dinner and I'll drop you off at home. " I nodded and agreed.

After school I hurried to the car with Calum and sat in the car seat. I have a headache.

"Babe. Are you okay? " Calum gripped my hand and kissed the knuckles.

"Um. Yeah I'm fine." I sighed. "Why?" I sat up in my seat, buckling up.

"Well. You've been kind of off lately. Everything's okay?" I nodded.

"Yeah I just have a small headache I'm fine. " I smiled reassuring him. He smiled and backed out of the parking lot.

Greenday blasted through the speakers. I watched as Cal's fingers padded to the beat on the steering wheel.

When we arrived I realized that Calum hasn't asked me to prom officially. I'm kind of scared that he might make a scene at school.

"Come on. " He opened the door as the bell chimed, signalling that costumers have arrived.

As we looked around the room I watched as Calum looked at every dress I picked up. I'm not a big fan of dresses. Or dances. So I have no idea what I'm doing.

"Isn't this one cute?" Madz held up a mint green dress with rhinestones down the chest of it.

"Yeah it is. " the color will make her eyes pop and look really good on her waist.

"I think I'm gonna try it on. Come with me?" I nodded and left the boys alone.

Calum's POV:

"You've asked her already rght?" Luke popped up at me making me jump a bit.

"Um. No. " I looked at the dresses. All of these will look great on her.

"Are you serious?" He shouted.

"Dude! Shut up they're right there!" I cupped his mouth. "I'm asking her tomorrow calm down. I just have to finish the poster I'm making her." I assured him.

"Okay. Because you can't bring her to a store to shop for dresses if you haven't asked her.

As we stopped talking the girls walked out. Madelyn was wearing a blue dress. She looked very lovely.

"Fuck." I heard Luke whisper. "Babe you look beautiful. " Luke hugged his girlfriend. They're cute.

Viviana's POV:

I'm just going to make up a shitty excuse to come back next time. I followed back to the boys and dogged my head not Cal's jacket.

"You okay baby?" His arms wrapped around my back.

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