chapter 26

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"did something happen?" I placed my hand on his lap and quickly withdrew it.

"I uh- Calum thinks we're.." he looked away.

"oh my God." I whispered and dropped my face into my palms.

"yeah. everything's fine though. we know the truth and he can believe what he wants." he shrugged. "anyways. " he changed the subject. "are you coming to watch us practice?" his smile was bright now.

"yeah. actually I'm bringing a friend is that okay?" I asked with a grin.

"yeah sounds sick. can't wait." he spoke and we finished off lunch talking about how the band has started a small fan base.

Later, after school, I picked up the and drove to Luke's house, like I was told to. "OKAY so they said to meet them in the garage soo..." I walked over and knocked on the metal door.

It soon opened and the tall blonde boy was in front of me. "hey Luke this is my friend Bre. " I introduced her.

"why what's up!" he greeted her and we walked into the garage. "everyone's in here. "

"hey guys." I avoided eye contact with Calum. "this is Bre." She smiled and waved at everyone.

"okay you guys can sit here and we'll practice. After practice we can go get ice cream or something." The boy with the red hair spoke.

"oh wait!  This is Ashton and Mikey. " Luke spoke.

Mikey had red hair and Ashton wore a purple bandana. They were both very good looking but I was more attracted to Cal- What am I doing.

"okay now we can get started." he smiled and I led Bre to the black Leather couch that was ripped up and had stickers and pins on one head rest.

"one two three four." Calum spoke and I couldn't help but look at how attractive he looked with the black guitar strapped around his chest.

The song started and I could tell they were very good. Calum has gotten really good since the last time he played for me.

"six weeks since I've been away, now you're saying everything has changed and I'm afraid that I might be losing you."

these lyrics seemed too coincidental to not be written by Cal.

" and every night that I spend alone, gets me thinking of you on your own and. wish I was back home next to you."

I felt my throat clench up and tighten. I had no idea what to do.

"oh everyday, you feel a little bit further away and I don't know what to say. Are we wasting time, talking on a broken line  telling. you I haven't seen your face in ages it feels like we're as close as strangers won't give up even though it hurts so much..."

I couldn't handle it anymore. I got up and ran outside. As soon as I was in my car I took a heavy breathe and soon felt the all to familiar sting on my cheeks.

Calum's POV:

As I sang the song I wrote especially for her, I felt my chest tighten. It hurt so much and my eyes began to swell. I cleared my throat but as I changed keys on my guitar, she ran out and I needed to stop playing.

"um I'll be back." I walked out and spotted the girl that I desperately needed in her car.

I tried opening the door but she locked it. "please." I begged and she took a deep breath, letting me in.

"what Calum. What could you possibly want from me. why would you even go and write that." she went off. I let her words stab me and withdraw so she could get her steam out.

"I just missed you so much and I know I have a girlfriend now but I need you to know that-"

"Calum stop. Just because I'm back doesn't mean you have to go break up. with your girlfriend. you like her. you moved on I get it but I'm just gonna forget about everything. we can be friends. that's it." I was speechless.

"i- I"  I fumbled for words.

"and I'm not fucking around with Luke either. I'm not like that. sure whatever happened happens. but that was so long ago. Stop holding it against him." she defended her friend.

"I'm sorry." that's all I could say. "I missed you so much." these words just kept tumbling off a ledge that I was soon to throw myself off of.

"I missed you to." she spoke. "I still miss you."

"Viv. " I looked over at her. Our eyes clicked and she slowly started leaning in. I have no idea if this is the right thing to do, but it feels like it.

Our lips crashed once more but her whole mind was in on it this time. I could feel it.

Bre' s POV:

"sorry. they do this a lot." Luke, I think that was his name, spoke.

"its fine." I smiled politely. I really grew fond of Ashton who was sitting next to me.

"so are you here alone?" he spoke. He was very funny. The last few moments he's been the one making me laugh. I find him very attractive as well, but Christian is in the back of my mind.

"um yeah I came to visit family. "  nodded as he scooted closer.

"maybe I can take you around sometime." he smiled and his arm swung around me.

"sounds cool." Oh my God what did I agree to.

Calum's POV:

"Cal your girlfriend." she whispered as her hips grinder on mine. Her small waist was straddled onto my hips in the passenger seat.

"mhm it's okay." I spoke what I could before her nimble fingers found ny hair once more, tugging at my roots.

small moans escaped our lips and echoed in the small truck.

"Calum?" I thought I was hearing things when her voice came into conclusions. "Calum!" I heard it again and it was clear. Cydney was here.

"shit." I pulled Viv off my lap and got off the car. "Cyd I'm sorry. "

"no! no no." she backed away from me. "I'm sorry." she chuckled. "you're such a cheating ass hole I hate you. don't ever come near me again you're liar and such a bad boyfriend." She spat and I heard Viv's side door open and shut.

"first of all. he is the sweeter most caring boyfriend ever. and he isn't a liar nor a cheater he's not an ass hole if anything you are. so get the fuck out of here." She sassed and I was very surprised.

"whatever." Cydney rolled her eyes and walked over to her car.

"wow." I played with my bottom lip.

"uh. yeah so..." she kicked her foot around on the loose rocks.


(I love Jack gilinsky bye)


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