chapter 21

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Viviana's POV:

School has been carp really and I just want winter break to come. My family loves it here, the opposite of my opinion.

I sat in third period, watching the clock tick for at least half of the class. I packed up my things and waited for the big hand to hit 12:00. It came to soon and I bolted out of the classroom that I dreaded going to.

I sat alone most of the time, when the overly nice girls would try to have me eat lunch with them. I have break right now but I usually just go in and wait for class to start. I watch as the teenage prudes flood into the enclosed classroom.

My usual seat was in the front, left corner, but today I sat near the back of the classroom. I don't sit back here because of the people who sit back here, but today I really didn't feel like being in the front.

I spent most of the class period thinking about how Calum and Luke re doing. I just want this to go back the way it was.

Calum's POV:

I sat at lunch with just Luke and occasionally Lily. She didn't talk to most people either but that Gilinsky guy.

"dude so what do you want to do after school?" Luke spoke with a mouth filled with banana.

"I want to sleep and call Viv." I spoke in a monotone voice.

"yeah. "

~~~~~~~Time Skip! 1 Year Later.~~~~~~~~

"No Cydney! " I laughed and hugged the girl I love so much.

"please!" the small figure laughed and tried to take my backpack.

"noo! " I laughed and picked her up, upside down.

"CALUM PUT ME DOWN! CALUM!" she shouted at the top of her lungs.

"Hey I'm gonna drop you if you don't be quiet." I laughed and pretended to have her slip.

"Ew you guys need to stop." Luke laughed and ate an Apple.

I put down Cydney, my girlfriend of 4 months. I tried moving on from Viviane but I really just tried to replace her. Don't get me wrong I do love Cydney but there are moments that I think of the little freak with long hair.

"do you want to walk me to class?" she clung onto my arm and tugged at me to walk her.

"okay. okay ." I stumbled behind the girl with the dark hair.

"okay I have practice today, if you wanna come watch?" I smiled and kissed Cydney.

She was average height, five foot, around there. Her eyes were dark also, and she wasn't as curvy as most girls. Or Viv.

I need to shake her out of my mind, I always find myself thinking of her. Viviana.

"okay pick me up after class." she smiled and walked back into class.

Cydney was very confident and well...bossy.

I walked to my sixth period, my last, and sat in my usual spot next to one of my best mates Micheal.

"hey dude! what's up?" he greeted me and pulled out his notebook.

I shadowed his action and pulled out my pen and notebook. I watched the clock tick in a circular motion. I counted the squares on the roof, three hundred and twelve. I even drew a flower. This class could not go faster.

Mikey was in the band, along with Luke and Ashton. We met this year actually when Luke and I were jamming out to Nirvana and Ash walked by.

It was a quick click at that and we are pretty close. We aren't big Or anything, we just play in our garage and we've had a few gigs at parties and such.

"we're meeting at Ashton's today. " read the note Mikey handed me.

I looked over at the boy with the green hair and nodded. I shot a text at Luke to make sure he new.

Luke isn't very fond of Cydney, but I think he just feels that she isn't better than Viviana.

I text her twice after she left and then we grew apart, something I knew would happen.

*okay meet me at the front of the school.*

Luke text back and I remembered that I had to meet Cydney.

*can't I'm meeting Cydney. *

I looked up at the clock and noticed that we had ten minutes left.

*of course. *

I scoffed at Luke's ignorant text and shoved the cellphone into my pocket.

After class I walked over to Cydney's class and waited. I noticed that after the whole class poured out, she didn't show. I sighed and walked towards the front of the school.

I had to skate to Ashton's house because I ditched Luke for Cydney. Damn it man.


"No I think we should take it from the top. " Argued Mikey. It was my song. I think I should say what.

Well the song is mine but it's not for me. Its about a girl. Well Viv.

"okay fine. from the top."

"Six weeks since I've been away and now you're saying everything has changed.and I'm afraid that I might be losing you and every night that we spend albeit kills me thinking of you on your own and I wish I was back home next to you. "

I spoke the lyrics in my mind and thought of the girl. In my mind she smiled and lied in my lap as I played with her long hair. I wonder what she thinks of when she's alone.

"oh every day you feel a little bit further away and I don't know what to say are we wasting time talking on a broken line?telling you I haven't seen your face in ages I feel like we're close as strangers."

I tried to get the lyrics out of my mind and just sing them like it's a mother song but I just can't do it. They just explain everything and I don't even know why. wrote the Damn song.

Viviana's POV:

It's been a year now in this scrappy place and I still don't like it here. My dad doesn't like it here much either. My dad said he might transfer jobs again but back to LA. So I might need to transfer back to my old high school.

It's a great thing for me but sucks for my parents. They have to go through the trouble of finding a new house.

I got butter flies in my stomache every time I thought about seeing Calum again and Luke and just being able to talk like we used to.

I wonder what they look like now.


(Asjsoskdgsksbwowmkssjsbb I LOVE JACK GILINSKY THAT IS ALL BYE.)


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