chapter 4

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(well I've actually typed this out two times only to accidentally delete take three)

Viviana's POV:

I wake up with my alarm blasting through my small room. I groan loudly as I tumble onto the hard floor.

"ow.." I pout to myself and pick myself off of the floor. I mope over to the bathroom and wash my face. I brush my teeth and pick my outfit out.

I chose to wear my black skinny jeans with my white Arctic Monkeys Tshirt. I tied my white converse up to the ankle and swipe my finger over the red rubber.

I straighten my long dark hair and swipe a coat of mascara on my top lids. I swing my black leather bag over my shoulder and walk downstairs.

i rest my back pack on the back of a chair and crawl onto the counter. I reach for my bowl and cereal. I jump off and fill my bowl up with milk.

I sat at the table and ate my breakfast. I checked the time and decided that I should get there on time this time. "dad hurry I'm almost ready start the car!" I shout up the stairs and I rinse my mouth with mouth wash.

I rinse the bowl and push my bag onto my shoulder. My dad walks down the stairs slowly. "okay come on." he spoke groggily.


I shoved my books into my bag and rush to second period. If I don't hurry I'm most likely going to be late. I force my small legs to take longer strides and I sit in my seat just as the bell rings.

I shoot the instructor a smug smirk and pull my notebook out. "okay class..." I'm already dozed off into la la land when a knock at the heavy door is echoed through the room.

I look over to find the boy with the dark hair and Aussie accent. My stomach is filled with butterflies and my cheeks are burning.

His eyes find mine and I look away eagerly. I can feel his eyes on me and I can't help but fight the grin pulling at the corners of my lips.

"did you need something ?" the teacher asks the speechless boy.

"um yeah I need two text books." he shudders.

"here you go." she hands Calum the books and he turns away but at the door I can see his smile.

I couldn't bring myself to pay any attention to Ms. Jackson's lesson. I was daydreaming about this boy I'd just met yesterday.

The bell shrieks in the hall way and I frantically put my books into the bag and I believe I was the first one out of the classroom.

I find my next class and take my usual seat.


The last minutes of class are filled with me taking glances up at the clock and my stomach fluttering at the thought of lunch.

It was now lunch time and I shoved my way through the busy halls. I was supposed to meet the at the benches so that's where I'm heading.

The blonde boys hair is spotted first and my focus was turned to the one next to him.

"okay don't act desperate and not awkward." I repeat to myself.

"hey!" Luke's arms are around me and I giggle into his chest.

"hi." I smile. I look over to an awkward Calum. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do but before I know what I'm doing my arms are around him. He panics for a mere second but his hands find my waist.

"okay let's go." Luke rushes us to find a table. After we race another group to the spot we sit in the same seats as the first time.

Luke and Calum in front of me. "so my parents aren't home today. I think you guys should come on over." Luke smirks and I have to clear my throat because of the piece of spaghetti that slipped.

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