chapter 6

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(hey so I promised another chapter so her it is. When I get into school ongoing to have to make a schedule on when I'm going to update so yeah.)

After the movie was over we decided we'd watch a scary movie. I hate scary movies but everyone agreed so I had no choice but to act like I didn't give a damn.

"lights off?" Lily asked and walked over to the flicker.

"sure." I tensed and leaned into Calum as much as I could. I was practically on his lap.

"are you okay?" Calum wrapped his arm around me and smiled.

"mhm yeah I'm fine." the loud music of the track list played, causing me to jump.

"are you afraid?" he smirks.

"what no?" a hideous face popped onto the flat screen and I screamed into the pillow.

"you sure?" he laughed as I smiled and he wrapped both arms around me. 

Through the whole movie, every time there was something loud or scary I leaned into Calum farther and if I would have leaned any farther I'm sure he wouldn't have been able to breath.

"We should sneak out." Lily spoke quietly. Luke's eyes went wild for the girl with the black hair.

"where would we go." Calum's chest vibrated against me as he spoke.

"we can go to my cousins. She's twenty two and will buy us drinks. you guys in?" I've never done anything like that and if we're being honest I've always wanted to.

"yeah." we all agreed and before I knew it we were out the door and walking at an unknown direction. "so how long away is her house?" I spoke. I'm getting kinda tired of walking.

They all have really long legs and I'm here behind them. "you okay?" Calum slowed down for me after he saw I was way behind.

"yeah you guys are just fast walkers." I chuckled.

"do you want a piggy back ride?" he smiled down at me.

"no then I'll make you tired." I giggled as his hand took mine.

"no I'm not come on." he stopped and got into a squat position.

I slowly walked behind him and jumped on top of him. Calum's hands got a hold of my legs and started jogging towards the others. "hey." Calum spoke.

"what's up..." Luke looked up at me and I giggled into Calum's neck. I noticed small goose bumps growing on his neck every time my skin came in contact with his.

"nothing. so how long away is the house?" Luke's deep accent filled my ears.

"not much longer. a few blocks." She probably does this a lot and is pretty used to it.

"cool." he smiled at her. His eyes are always so bright when we're around her.

I rest my head in between his neck and I slowly pressed my lips against his warm skin. Cal leaned into my lips and a smirk grew on my lips.

"you okay?" I whispered in his ear purposely.

"mhm." he cleared his throat and moved his hands up to my thighs. I wonder how many girlfriends he's had.

Wait. am I thinking of being his girlfriend? I need to slow down a bit. I shook the thought out of my head and notice we were getting closer to a front door.

Calum put me down and I gathered myself to my feet. Lily knocked and a thin short lady came in view.

"hey what's up?" she spoke and noticed us behind Lily."

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