chapter 15

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Viviana's POV:

The next day I had school and I was kinda nervous. I met Luke like usual, but something

"hey are you okay?" I spoke softly. His eyes were vile. Hatred almost.

"I'm fine." he spat. Somethings wrong.

"please tell me what's wrong." I sat next to him on the bench.

"Lily's hanging out with that Jack guy." he whispered.

She has been talking to him but I didn't know that she was ' talking ' to him. I think Luke is a lot better than that gilinsky guy for her.

"whatever come on." I took his arm sleeve and took him to our homeroom.

Towards the time of lunch, Luke was still bumbed up about the whole situation between Lily and Jack.

"is he still all gloomy?" I asked as they approached me.

"yeah he's been like this all day. I don't know what to do." Calum spoke as he hugged me tightly.

"Luke! come on. " I whined.

"I'm fine let's go get food." he forced a smile and walked ahead of us.

"we're hanging out at my place today." Luke spoke, surprising me actually.

"fuck I can't today I have to go with my mom to visit my cousins." Calum seemed upset now.

"I can still come." I tried bringing him back to normal punk rock Luke. I don't like gloomy, sad about a girl Luke.

"okay. " he sighed.

After lunch, we walked separately to our classes and finished off the day. I met up with Luke after school behind the gym.

"alright let's go." he smiled and we walked to his house.

I love hanging out with Luke and I feel like I can help him release his stress on Lily.

"Hey we're going upstairs. " Luke shouted. "come on." he pulled me up the steps and shut the door behind us.

"You don't deserve to feel that way. If she doesn't see how perfect you are then I don't know what to think." I spoke sitting next to him.

"yeah. But she's too good for me. " he sighed.

"no really. you don't deserve to be treated like this. " I set my hand on his knee and looked into his gorgeous eyes.

"then what do I deserve?" the room was tightening and my breath was heavy.

Luke's face was nearly inches from mine and I could feel his breath on me. "kiss me." he spoke softly.

My body reacted before my brain did and my lips were on his quicker than I imagined. His lip piercing was cold against my lips and I realized what I was doing once I crawled onto him.

"I can't do this." I climbed off and grabbed my things. "I gotta go."

"wait Viv! Don't tell Calum! I'm sorry!" he shouted as I ran down the stairs and out the door.

I did something horribly wrong.


(I promised a chapter so yeah here you go. goodnight!)


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