chapter 35

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Calum's POV:

"Calum. don't say that you don't even know anything that happened!" she jogged out the door with tears prickling at her eyes.

Fuck man. I ran after her and searched for her in the parking lot. It was pouring out here and when I was about to go inside I found her at a bench with her hands on her face and her hair drenched.

I walked over to her and sat across from her. "what do you want Calum. you've told me what you wanted to fucking tell me. just leave already. " she spoke softly, not looking up at me once.

"i- I'm sorry. I just...what did you mean I don't know what happened. " I was so confused. Her words played in my mind like a short rerun.

" want to know? you're such an idiot. " I shook my head in doubt. what the fuck is she talking about.

"tell me what happened between you and my best friend. " I spoke softly, not wanting to pass her off any more than she already was.

She looked up and sighed loudly.  "fine. After what you did at the party I left outside before-"

"what did I do a the party?" I asked with my brow furrowed.

"really?  Are you serious.." she squeaked. Her voice sounds so soft and broken. Its the sound that comes out right before a person breaks. The worst sound in the world.

"I'm serious Viv. I don't remember. I got messed up at that party. " I sighed.

"you told everyone what we did in freshman ye-..." I broke her. Shattered.

"I didn't. I'm such a fucking idiot. Why didn't you stop me! Who did I tell. Shit man!" I shouted and socked the cement bench in front of me.

My knuckles bled and I felt the burn. I felt tears build up in my eyes. I hated this feeling. It makes me feel empty.

"I- I couldn't." she cried. "after you told everyone I walked outside. and Luke was there to comfort me." she hitched.

"fucking Luke man. He's always there to save the fucking day and be Mr perfect. " I kicked the wall behind me.

"I asked him to take me home but i was drinking so we went to his place so my mom wouldn't get mad at me. When we got there we were playing games and we just made out. That's it!" she stood up.

"then why the fuck did he tell me he fucked you when..." I screwed myself over.

"when he what? !" she raised her voice.

"I...we fought before the accident.." I sighed. I was the cause of this. "I have these because of that." I pointed to the bruises. "he told me he fucked you and that.." I nearly gagged at the words He used. I hate the fact that she even went to his house.

"that what?" she squeaked. Her tears were now washing away with the rain.

"that he liked the way you flicked your..." I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

"that fucking idiot. Calum I want you to know that none of that happened. All we did was make out. That's all. " she neared me as I rested my head on the wall.

I didn't say a thing. "why do you even care anyways. You have Cydney." She spoke.

"I- don't know. I -" I was lost for words. I have no idea how to tell her that I love her.

"spit it out Calum." She sighed. I hate the way my name rolls off her tongue like that.

"she's not you..okay. that's why. " I held mg tears in. "I'm sorry I'm such a fuck up and. can't get anything right. " I shouted and hit the wall again.

"Calum! Stop you're hurting yourself." she didn't get it. That's what I was trying to do. Even out the pain I've caused to everyone around me.

"why did you let me do that?" I tried to breathe but I felt like this wall was collapsing onto me, crushing me like I've crushed her.

"i- I didn't know what to do. if I said anything they would have thought I did do it. but I didn't want anyone to know so I just left. " she cried out. I hate that I've made her cry this much.

"I'm so sorry. and you can't forgive me for this. I'm such an idiot. i- " I breathed in sharply and slapped my hand against the wall.

"Calum." She sighed into her hands. Her make up was down her cheeks along with the rain.

"come here. can we talk somewhere else where it's not cold. " I walked over to her and pulled my jacket onto her.

I walked her over to my car and hurriedly put her. inside the vehicle. I shut the door and jogged over to my side of the car.

"Look. Viv. " I have no idea what I'm about to say. it's as if I'm not in control of my fucking mouth. "you know that I have feelings for you. they're there -"

"but Calum you have a girlfriend." she cut me off. I was taken aback.

"yeah But. i" I stuttered for words.

"yeah But we can't just play this fucking game anymore. I don't like getting played with. I just don't want any of this anymore. " the tears were back.

"I'll break up with her. " what the fuck am I saying. I love both of them.

"Calum." She whispered.

"I'm serious. if I can get a second chance with you I will talk to her. I want this. " I spoke. Maybe this is what I wanted.

"Cal..I don't know. I love her. " she looked at her hands as if they were the most fascinating thing.

"i- but..I love you.." I ran a hand over my hair, tugging at the roots, a habit I picked up from my brother.

"I don't want to be the reason you break up with her. " that's not the reason.

"that's not the reason- well not the only reason." I fumbled.

"Cal..we need to take this know?" she whispered and a grin tugged at my lips.

"Does this mean you're gonna give me a chance?" I smirked.

"yes. But you can't tell everyone. especially Luke. I need to tell him. " why does she care for him so much. what does he have that I don't.

"fine." I spoke and wiped my hands on my lap.

"this doesn't mean we're together. it means we're taking things slow. "

"okay. that's fine..but you're still mine." I smiled and started the car. "now let's go get something to eat because I'm starving"

After eating I didn't feel like leaving her just yet. I was taking her to our special place, so we can bond like we used to.

We hurriedly got into the collapsing house and sat on the bean bags. "I missed this place." she whispered, looking around.

"yeah. I come here All the time. when I want to get away from reality, I blast music." I confessed. A flash of emotion covered her face but was quickly gone before I could analyze what it was.

Viviana's POV:

I didn't know how to feel about that. Half of me felt bad that he came here alone because it was our thing, yet the other part of me was happy because he still came here.

"what a loser." I giggled at the face He made when the words left his mouth. I should be mad at this punk kid but I can't help but miss the old day.


(hey guys guess what I'm gonna be updating on Tuesdays and Sundays from now on and the chapters are going to be longer. It just gives me a schedule to be on.)


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