chapter turdy seven ;D

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She hung up and I didn't knoe he to feel. I felt numb.

I ran a hand through my hair and let out a heavy sigh. I remembered the way we used to get Teazers on the last Saturday of each month. I missed when we were best friends.

Viv used to be my best friend. We used to cuddle up and watch movies. I always loved the way she curled up against me. I hated when she left me it hurt so bad.

Honestly, now that I think of it, this doesn't hurt as bad as it did when Viv left me.

I sighed and decided to blast my music, trying to drown out what I was dealing with at the moment. I layed back and closed my eyes.

I felt myself drifting off to sleep and it was only sunset.

The next day I woke up pretty early, around 7:30. I layed in bed processing the events that happened last night.

I soon felt shattered once again.

I couldn't be like this all day. I need to do something, by myself. I can go to Rasputin and a drink at Starbucks.

I got in my car and once again, blasted my music. Music just helps me a lot. I like to connect my feelings to songs I like.

I browsed around the store and found a few good tracks. I was soon done with the store and decided to walk to Starbucks.

The line was long as shit and I was nearly ready to leave but I spotted the girl with the long hair and brown eyes.

"Viv!" I shouted and she quickly turned. The smile I adored took over her face and I soon forgot what I was so upset about.

"Hey! come here." she signaled for me to cut in line. A few insults were mumbled for me cutting but it wasn't a big deal.

"Are you taking over the deal to?" I grinned down a her as she nodded.

"yeah, pretty much. " she chuckled and I noticed her Rasputin bag.

"hey I was just there. " I pulled up my arm to show her the proof.

"that's cool." She smiled and rocked back and forth on her creepers.

"so..did you talk to her?" she mumbled and played with the bracelets that littered her wrist.

"um..yeah actually." I cleared my throat. "I guess we're done." I shrugged and rubbed the back of my neck with my palm.

"you guess?" she glanced up at me.

"um yeah. Well I mean. Yeah we're over. " I sighed and motioned to her that she was next.

After we ordered, we grabbed our drinks and walked out of the delicious smelling room.

"do you want to hang out?" I asked, trying to break the awkward silence.

"um sure. yeah." she smiled. I walked down the street and she walked next to me. "so um..what went on with Cydney?" she was so curious on this.

"um..Well she thinks that the only reason that I broke up with her is because of you." I shrugged.

"oh." this was the only thing that came out of her mouth before it was too silent. Awkwardly silent.

When I looked over at her, I saw her foot hit the curb and next thing I knew was that she was on the floor.

"FUCKING HELL!!" she yelled and held her foot. I couldn't help but laugh my ads off at her.

"this is why you shouldn't wear those monster shoes." I laughed histarically.

"shut up. You liked them before. " I smiled and helped her up. I noticed her bag on the floor and a few things that fell out during the fall.

"no way. " I noticed the familiar leather book. "you still have this?" I picked it up as she picked up her other things.

"uh yeah. give that to me. " she quickly snatched it from my hands. What was that about?

"that was funny." I chuckled.

"shut up my toe hurts. " she giggled.

We spent the day laughing and mocking eachother. It was a good day and I fell asleep with a smile on my face.




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