chapter 62

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Viviana's POV:

I start school today. Currently I'm straightening my hair. I picked out my outfit last night so I could have a few more minutes on sleep today.

My outfit consisted of a pastel tie dye t-shirt with a volts wagon mini van on the front of it, my high waisted ripped shorts, and my black and white leather creepers.

I winged my eyeliner and put an extra coat of mascara on. I covered all My blemishes and got my bag.

I had bought pins to put on my bag and sewed some band names onto it as well.

I walked out, I decided to walk today, I don't live too far a block or two. I popped my head phones in my ear and started walking.

When I got there, I found my first class, biology. I sat towards the front, I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to get the fuck out of here as quick as possible.

I watched as the students sat on their phones and tapped their pencils. It was weird. I'm in college.

My professor walked in with a minute to spare. "Alright class. "

I sat through the whole lecture, taking notes and not knowing what I was writing. He speaking uncomfortably fast, leaving me no time to write.

After class, I walked to my next class, photography. I chose this class because it seemed really interesting.

I walked into the older building on the campus and sat not too close to the front, but not too far back.

The class was getting filled quickly, no one has sat next to me yet and is as kind of glad. I didn't want anyone sitting with me today. In fact I didn't want-

My thoughts were shut off when I heard the chair next to me be pulled. I didn't bother looking over.

"Shit. Hey do you have a pencil I can use. I think I dropped mine outside."  The voice sounded...British, Irish maybe?

"Uh sure. Yeah." I nodded and grabbed my bag, pulling a green pencil out.

"Thanks." He smiled. I liked how he was dressed. "Are you a freshman?" He watched my hand writing quickly on the blank sheet as professor spoke.

"Uh yeah why?" I looked over at him. He was a red head. His eyes blue.

"You don't need to write everything down." He smiled. I chuckled and nodded.

"Thanks. Should have been there for my first class. " I sighed. "I'm Viv. " I smiled.

"I'm Ed. " I shook his hand.

"Where you from?" His accent really caught my attention.

"Halifax, England." I was right. English accent.

"Why'd you come all the way over here?" I asked him with disbelief.

"I like traveling and this was the best I was gonna do in Cali. " I nodded with my lips perked into a line.

"Oh that's cool. How long have you been here?" He was an interesting person so far.

"Well I moved here three years ago but I started school two years ago. I'm a sophomore. " I smiled.

"Cool. " he nodded.

"And where are you from?" He pointed the pencil I lend him at me.

"From Los Angeles. " his eyebrow raised.

"What the hell made you come down here?" I chuckled.

"Its cheaper." He nodded.

"That's true. Did you just move here this year?" I nodded.

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