chapter 42

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Viviana's POV:

-and you're coming for sure?" I asked him about thanksgiving over the phone.

"definitely. " his laugh filled my speaker. I felt my heart warm.

"okay. well I have to go see you tomorrow?" I questioned him. This is my fourth time reassuring myself that he's coming. I just don't want to tell my family that he's coming over and him not come.

"see you tomorrow baby." A grin took over my lips as I hung the phone. I threw myself on my bed as I pondered over tomorrow.

I wonder how my dad will act. I shrugged my thoughts off and got into the shower.

Nirvana filled the bathroom as I changed into my pajamas.

After I brushed my hair out, I walked downstairs and called for my mom. "yeah?" she asked me.

"um Calum...remember him?" I sat at the table.

"yeah why?" she asked with a scowl on her face. My dad must have told her.

"he's coming over for thanksgiving tomorrow okay?"

"I don't know. I don't want any drama. Your brothers will be here and I don't know. " I sighed.

"there won't mom. He's coming I already invited him. " she nodded.

"and. you guys are boyfriend and girlfriend?" I smiled at the words.

"no mom. just friends. " close. intimate. Friends.

"oh okay." she nodded and I walked back upstairs. I sighed as I shut my door.

I crawled into the comfort of my sheets and shot a goodnight text to Calum.

*I'm coming over.*

My heart rate quickened for some unknown reason and I quickly calles him.

"yeah?" I heard the engine of his car roar in the background.

"you're coming over?" I squeaked and cleared my voice.

"yeah is something wrong?" I shook my head and remembered that he wasn't able to visibly see my actions.

"no. um just come through the back. My window will be opened. " I smiled as my heart swelled.

I know it's only been a few days since I've seen him but these five days have felt like decades.

I sat on the edge of my bed and bounced in anticipation. I grinned as I heard his car drive to the back drive in.

I heard his grunts as he climbed onto the roof and through my window. "Calum!" I smiled and hugged him. "I missed you." I spoke into his chest.

His leather jacket was cold and he spelt like cologne. "I missed you to. I just couldn't wait until tomorrow. " I smiled against his chest.

"so my mom knows you're coming tomorrow." I pulled him to the bed and sat next to him, crossing my legs on the bed.

"and how did she react?" he kicked off his shoes and sat in front of me. He shadowed my feet.

"she just said okay." there was no need to talk about the rest so I left it out.

"okay." he smiled. "I have like little butterflies in my stomach." he chuckled as I grew into a fit of laughter.

"you're so cute. " I shook my head and grabbed his hands.

I watched the time that read 11:00 pm. I really need to shower.

"Cal I have to shower so I don't have to blow dry my hair tomorrow. " he grinned.

"okay I'll go with you." I chuckled and then realized he was serious.

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