chapter 14

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Calum's POV:

"relax baby girl." I coax as I slowly, teasingly pleasure her with my fingers. Her soft moans are muzzled by the white pillow.

Her back is arching and Viv's small, feminine, hands clutch the sheets. I love the way my name rolls off her tongue. I'm not forcing her to do anything she doesn't want to do.

"Calum." she moans as her hands tug at my hair.

I smile and finish what I started, leaving her limp mess. "oh my God." she pants as she quickly grabs her clothes and throws everything on.

"why such a rush?" I shot a wink and chuckle, pulling her close to me.

"sh your mom and I don't want her to think I'm a slut." I grinned at her words. How quickly they changed from fits of moans to paranoia.

"she loves you she doesn't think of you like that." I kissed her forehead, causing a smile to crack at her lips I so desperately needed.

I pulled her chin up to me and slid my hands down to her waist, pulling her closer to me. I bit my lower lip with a smug smirk and caressed her face. Slowly bringing my lips to hers, I smiled. For at the moment I felt the world stop.

I'm falling for this girl. Hard.

Viviana's POV:

I feel dirty. I'm too young for what just happened and if my dad found out he'd kill me.

Fuck man.

"she loves you shed never think of you like that."

His kiss was soft, generous, a new kiss. A kiss I've never felt before. He's something alright.

"what do you want to do babe." his new nickname is starting to grow on me. To be honest I hate nicknames but to him, I'll consider it.

"I want to explore." he gave me a confused look. I don't completely know what I meant myself.

"what do you mean?" he chuckled.

"let's try to find a spot to call ours." I smiled. He agreed and we were out the door and down the street.

We turned a few alleys and corners. "where are we going?" I shrugged. "what are we looking for exaclty?" I giggled. He's so curious.

"I don't exactly know but... " I gazed off and saw the perfect spot. "come on." I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the broken, abandoned house.

It was tagged on and the Windows were shattered. Something about it that called my name, I don't exactly know what but it was.

"this place?" he asked as he pulled me through the squeaky door. 

"yes." I looked around the small house. There was still a couch. It was very cute actually. The wall were purple and white. A maroon rug layered the wooden floor and a few paintings littered the walls.

Whoever lived here before it was abandoned was very good at decorating. All it needed was some cleaning up and it would be sick to kick it in.

"it looks sick right?" I smiled and jumped around like a five year old.

"eh." He shrugged with a small smirk. I know he loves it and I can tell.

"you love it!" I laughed and walked towards the rooms.

The beds were also older and had no sheets on them. "it's alright I guess." he shrugged as I turned towards the window.

Before I turned around I felt two arms wrap around me and pick me up and over his shoulder. "CALUM!" I laughed.

Our laughs echoed the small house as we ran around. "CALUM PUT ME DOWN YOU ASIAN!"

He paused for a second and it was dead silent, before he started spinning. "IM NOT ASAIN!!!!"

"YES YOU AR-" I started to say before feeling ourselves tumble to the floor.

Fits of laughter filled my ears as we scattered the floor. "I'm not Asian." he pouted.

"yes you are. " I hummed. He smiled and crawled on top of me.

"I. Said.I'm. Not. Asian." he pinned my hands up with an arm and with the free one he rubbed small circles on my bare waist.

"you are."

"watch your back shorty. " I raised an eyebrow as he kissed my nose.

"okay." I rolled my eyes. "are you done?" I sassed him.

"what are you gonna do? you can't do much I mean I'm twice your size." he laughed and put almost all of his weight on me.

"Calum!" I laughed and tried pushing him off.

"Viviana. " he mocked me.

"get off." I spoke in monotone."

"kiss me. " I scoffed.

"no. get off." I laughed and tried pushing him off again.

"no kiss me." I kissed his cheek and laughed.

"there get off." I giggled.

"no, on the lips." he puckered his lips and closed his eyes.

"no get off." I laughed and put my thumb at his lips pushed together.

"no kiss me." he laughed against my finger.

"okay fine." I kissed him softly and smiled.

"that wasn't that hard." he smirked and got off.

"you're such a dork go away." I laughed.

"we should go home now it's getting late." I agreed and we walked home.

~~~~~at my door~~~~~~

"Okay babe. I'll see you tomorrow at school." he kissed my cheek.

"okay bye." I smiled and closed the door.

I'm falling for this kid. Hard.


(oh my gawd this chapter hit me like a taco truck wth omg.)


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