chapter 16

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Luke's POV:

"kiss me." my mouth spoke for me. I don't know what I'm doing but it feels...

Viviana's soft lips drifted me from my thoughts. Her mouth moved with mine. Until she pulled off. Worry filled her eyes and I knew what we did was horribly wrong.

"I have to go." she spoke quickly.

"WAIT. VIVIANA IM SORRY. DONT TELL CALUM!" I shouted through the halls. I felt horrible. Calum is my best friend.

I dropped my head in my hands.

Viviana's POV:

I walked back to my house and tried to look as normal as possible. My dad was sitting on the couch and my mom next to him.

"hey guys. " I spoke calmly.

"hi Viv. " my dad smiled and I walked up stairs. The tears rolled down my face. I didn't want them. I hate the sting of the hot liquid.

I sat on my bed with my phone in my hand. I don't know if I should tell him right now. It'll ruin their friendship.

*Hey.* I sent it.

*hey loser what's up.* he has no idea.

*nothing I wanted to tell you something.* the tears came again.

*Yeah what's up.* I can't do it.

*you're a loser.* I sat my phone down and I threw myself on the bed. Tommorow will be horrible.

The next day when I got to school I tried to avoid the boys as much as possible. I passed them in the halls without them seeing me but my third period I have Luke.

At break instead of meeting them at our normal spot I got to my third period and sat alone. When the bell rang I felt myself break alittle.

The room filled with teenagers and I soon spotted the blond headed blue eyed boy. He was playing with his piercing as he pulled the chair next to me.

"can we talk?" he whispered.

"I have nothing to say. " I whispered back.

"listen. it was a mistake. I'm so sorry." he looked down at his lap." I placed my hand on his lap, just like last night.

"it's okay. we have to pretend it didn't happen." I moved my hand.

"wait." he sounds worried.

"you didn't tell Cal. did you?" he ran his hand through his hair.

"no. not yet." his eyes widened.

"What do you mean not yet. you can't tell him." he spoke frantically.

"I have to. he's my boyfriend and I kissed his best friend. "

"no. I'll tell him. you can't." his voice raised just enough to where no one could hear but me.

"no we both tell him. tonight." I spoke.

"OKAY." he played attention to the teacher.

The rest of the class period was normal. small talk was evident and no eye contact relatively made. It was okay for the period.

At lunch I met with them and hugged Calum tightly. "hey." he whispered into my hair.

"hi." I smiled and we walked to the cafeteria.

"um can we all hang out today?" I tried to ease into the idea.

"yea I'm free." Cal smiled. Luke only nodded.

"Okay. at my place." Cal nodded at Luke's option.

"okay we'll meet behind the gym." everyone knew the drill. The rest of lunch was just us telling jokes and fakingly laughing at them.

Class went by quickly and as I walk over to our meet place, my heart started beating quicker.

"hi." they were both already there.

"hey loser." Calum kissed my cheek.

"alright let's go."

We made it to his house fairly quick and we headed up stairs. "so what do you guys wanna do." Calum spoke.

"we um actually wanted to talk." Luke butted in.

"oh okay about what?" Calum had no idea what was running through Luke's head.

"um. yesterday... when we were hanging out." I looked at Luke in worry as he spoke. "we kinda kissed."

"Wait. what?" Calum stood up.

"It didn't mean anything!" my eyes were starting to sting.

"WHAT THE FUCK LUKE." his hands were fisted tightly.

"Calum sit down please." I sounded weak. fragile almost.

"I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS. WHY WOULD YOU KISS MY GIRL FRIEND." Before I knew it Calum was on top of Luke.

"STOP." I tried bushing them off each other but it didn't help.

"DUDE IT DIDNT MEAN ANYTHING." Luke shouted as he flipped Cal over. Luke was now on top of Calum. "stop calm down. I was just a kiss. we stopped as soon as we knew what we were doing. " he spoke calmly.

Calum was panting and out of breath. "get off." he spoke. Not once did he look at me.

"Calum please." I spoke.

"no viviana I need time." he glanced over at me.

"dude if you're gonna be mad at someone be mad at me." Luke tried.

"I don't even know what to think. I just. " he shook his head. "I'll talk to you guys later. " he walked out and left a bleeding Luke and a silent me.

"I'm gonna go to." I felt the tears roll down my cheeks. I walked down the stairs and out the door.

I stepped outside and walked down the steps. "why'd you do it." I jumped at his voice.

I looked over to see him on the side of the house. He was sitting with his knees to his chest and tears staining his cheeks.

"I don't know why." I wiped my tears and stood in front of him.

"you know I love you right." I looked agape.

"what." I sniffled.

"I fucking love you and then you go and kiss him." he stood.

"I don't know what came over me. I'm sorry I just. " I covered My face as I started crying once more.

I felt two arms rap around me tightly and I felt at home. "tell me you'll never do it again." he spoke harshly.

"I wont-" I sniffle.  "do it again." I rest my cheek on his chest.

"promise me." he rest his chin on the top of my head.

"i-I. promise." I looked up with stained cheeks and red puffy eyes.

"I love you." he spoke.

"I love you to." he pecked my lips and hugged me once more.

"let's take you home." he pulled me in front of  him and we walked.


(omggg I cried through the whole thing.)


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