chapter 11

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Viviana's POV:

I walked inside and let a breath out I didn't know I was holding in, only to have a smile entrust my lips. "hey kid go to bed." my dad joked around as I walked upstairs and shut my door.

My date was amazing, Calum is amazing. I know cheesy. But hey he's cool, funny, sarcastic, and a plus is he's cute.

I kicked my shoes off and changed into my shorts and t-shirt. After, I lied in bed and text Cal a quick goodnight text.

I drifted off with a smile on my face and the tall boy in mind.


I was awoken by the sound of something shuffling next to me. I quickly jumped out of bed and ran behind my closet door. "shh Viv!" Calum's voice filled my room.

"oh fuck what the Hell are you doing! what time is it?" I whispered and sat next to him on the bed.

"it's three in the morning but I was thinking and I didn't really get a good kiss goodbye. " he smirked.

"so you didn't like the kiss?" I tried to sound as affended as I could.

"no it was good...but I couldn't come up with a better excuse to kiss you again." he giggled and pulled me by the waist.

"My parents will be up in two hours and after you need to go." I laughed as he kissed my nose and cheeks. Soon after he kissed my cheeks his lips were placed to mine.

I couldn't help but try to deepen the kiss with a slight turn of the head and pressing closer to him.

A grunt escaped his lips and his hips forced up against me for friction. A giggle soon escaped my lips and I couldn't help but pull at his lip.

"stop." he smirked and rolled onto me.

"you stop you freaken giant!" I laughed as he put all his weight onto me. My hands were useless at this point and my breathing was slow with long drags.

"hey. shh don't expose my secrets." he kissed my nose and rolled off.

"what do normal boyfriend and girlfriends do?" I shrugged at his question. I honestly don't know the answer to this question.

"sing to me." I smiled. I knew him and Luke sing with eachother. I've heard them start a little part and stop once I walked up.

"what I can't even sing!" he laughed and pulled me near him, so my back was against him.

"yes you can I've heard you." I laughed at how cliche I was being.

"nope." he giggled and wrapped his arms around me.

"do it or I'm not your friend." he scoffs.

"but you're already my girlfriend so that doesn't work." I laughed at my logic and snuggled up against him. He sighed and whispered.

"fine." he cleared his voice. "ABCDEFG-" we laughed loudly and shut up soon before we got caught.

"Dork!" we laughed and stayed quiet for awhile.

After a while of humming and lying next to eachother, it was time for him to go.

"see you at school loser." I smiled and pecked his lips as he climbed sown the side of my window.

"PSTTT!" he smiled and blew a kiss.

He's so cliche I love it oh my. im falling for this kid and hard.


(hey guys I made it through my first week of high school wth.  anyways shortcut update and I'm gonna update tm to. um just very tired. goodnight.)


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