chapter 19

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Viviana's POV:

The next morning I stayed n bed for a good hour, letting everything soak into my head. After letting the thought of getting up and making myself look decent ponder in my brain, I made up ny mind to do so.

I rolled onto the floor and crawled over to my dresser. I straightened my hair-something I never do- and put a coat of mascara onto my eyes. I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and threw on a pair of jeans along side with a t-shirt.

After tightening my converse and texting Calum, I tiptoe down the stairs. I avoided any contact with my parents and shut the door.

To my parents, it must seem like I'm the spawn of Satan lately. That's only because well... they have been making these few days hell for me, so it only makes sense to make it hell for them.

I shot a text to Cal, telling him to meet me in our hideout and walked quickly. I know he'd probably beat me there. He hasn't tested back since last night. He didn't respond to my texts this morning either.

When I got to the small, abandoned house I snuck in through the chipped door. I found Calum sitting on the blue bean bag chair.

He gazed out the window with a blank face and puffy eyes. My heart dropped and shattered to pieces. I took small steps towards the broken looking boy and approached carefully.

I felt as if I were to breathed on him he'd crack and fall lose. "Cal?" I squeaked. For some reason I felt scared,vulnerable even.

"hi." he whispered. "what are you doing here?" he kicked the wall gently.

"you didn't get my texts?" I sat on the couch beside him.

"no I broke my phone last night." he snipped.

"oh. " it was silent. I felt as if...I almost didn't know him.

He was cold, dark. Not my Calum. "Cal?"

"Yeah.." he cleared his throat.

"how long have you been here?" he was wearing the same misfits t-shirt since last night.

"since last night." he admitted.

"why?" I forced him to keep eye contact.

"because...I don't know." he sighed.

"what are we gonna do today?" I grabbed his hand. Calum tugged me between his long legs and wrapped his arms around my small waist.

"I just want to be close to you. I want to talk and act like you're not leaving me tonight. I want to forget and tell you my most embarrassing moments."  he spoke into my ear. My Calum was back.

"Okay." I smiled and kissed his knuckles.


"...and then after they found out about the rash my mom would take me to school and shout at me after I was onto the campus You forgot Your Rash Cream!!" I was sprawled on his lap and his fingers were tangled in my hair.

I laughed loudly and felt the vibration of his chuckles. "you know that's not as bad as the time I had to go underwear shopping with my brother." I laughed.

"I think my stories topped today. Hey let's go for a walk. " he leaned over me so I could see his whole face.

"okay...but you have to carry me." he shrugged and got up.

"hop on." he got in a squatting position and I jumped onto his back. "okay princess where are we going?" He pretended to be a horse. He's tall enough.

"to the park!" I laughed into his neck. My hands were on his face because he kept letting me go to pick up his pants.

"Viv I can't see!" he laughed. "we're gonna fall!" he stumbled around as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Viv! choking- You're choking me" I laughed and pushed myself up, being able to grab his shoulders.

"sorry." I laughed. "you can put me down now. " I stumbled onto my feet and he instantly pulled me in front of him. His arms wrapped me like a blanket and our legs moved in sync.

"so you won't forget about me right?" his voice cut through the silence like a sharp blade.

"even if I tried. " Which was true. .  I can honestly say he was or is my first love.

"good because if you did then I don't know what I'd do. " he sighed.

I pulled out my phone once we got to a bench. The time was 9:47 pm. It was getting late but the stars where so pretty. "look how they shine for you." he spoke a cliche line.

"you're so cute." I laughed and hugged him.

"hey come on its getting late."


"so you promise you won't forget?" he had my hand. We were standing on the front lawn in the dark. The only light was the dim beam of the patio light.

"I promise. " I smiled.

"and you'll call me?" his voice cracked.

"positive." the tears welled up on my lid.

"and... you won't just move on...right?" My eyes were now puffy and red. Tears streamed down my cheeks. As for him, his eyes were glossy and red. Irritated you could say.

"I couldn't. " I pulled him in for a hug. My face hurried in Cal's chest and his hands secured my lower back.

"I want you to know that I genuinely love you and that I couldn't find anyone better than you." he whispered n my ear.

"I love you Calum." I sniffled and looked up at his face.

My eyes shot back and forth from his glossy eyes to his plump lips. Calum's hand softly palmed my chin and his thumb ran over my bottom lip.

He dipped his head down and met my lips as soon as I got on my toes. His free hand was at my lower back as to mime were in his hair.

No space was left between us as our lips moved together. I heard a click of a door open and a small cough. I could tell it was my dad.

I pulled away and held him in my arms. "I love you." I whispered and walked inside.

"I love you to loser." the last thing I saw before the door shut was a playful smirk on his lips but pain behind his dull eyes.


(I had a much longer chapter ready but since it got deleted I have this goodnight)


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