chapter 17

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Viviana's POV:

"Okay. I'm gonna be right here dad." I giggled as my dad teased Cal for not having his license yet.

The door shut and we were left alone. "so we're okay?" My voice came squeakier than I'd thought it was.

"are you gonna mess with Luke?" he hummed with a smirk dancing on his lips. The lips I wanted pressed against mine.

"no. it wasn't anything. I'm sorry." I felt the stinging sensation again. I've cried way too much in the last few days.

"Okay. good. he's a lot better looking than I am so that kinda would have lowered my self of steam." he slowly closed the space between us.

"I don't think that you're right. " I looked up as his arms snaked around my waist. His eyes flickered from my eyes to my lips rapidly.

"oh really?" he smirked and brushed my hair behind my ear, touching my cheek slightly.

"Of course." I hummed.

"show me." he whisper and I brought myself to my toes. Cal's head dipped down and brought himself closer to me by pulling my hips closer.

I parted my lips slightly, his toung slid into my mouth slowly. I was about to jump onto his hips before I heard the click of the door and spotting my dad in the doorway.

"that's enough." he spoke as Cal had a smug grin on his face. He had his bottom lip between his teeth and his hands in his pockets. He looked so attractive.

"okay bye Cal." I smiled and walked in the door, passing my dad.

"hey." my dad called.

"yes?" I smiled, only to have him point a finger at me and laugh. I don't understand him.

The next day was a mother normal day. Lunch with the guys, boring classes, and stupid teachers.

The weekend came quick and I had to go out of town for the weekend, so my dad could see what was up with my dad's new job in San Francisco.

I woke up early and made sure all my stuff was packed neatly. I braided my hair and put on some black skinny jeans. I couldn't find the shirt I was supposed to wear with these jeans so I ended up putting on a white t-shirt.

I grabbed some cereal and checked what was going on social media. Nothing really called my attention so I locked my fully charged phone and loaded my things in the car.

"hurry up dude this shit is heavy." Christian, my brother, rushed me.

I know that his girlfriend was coming with us today and it's actually the first time I'd meet her.

"shut up. maybe if you'd help me." he laughed as I tried to shove the bags into the car. "help me." I laughed.

"move punk." he place the things neatly into the trunk and clapped his hands after.

"hey when's Bre getting here?" I asked with flirty eyes.

"stop." he laughed. 

"stop what?" I giggled and threw my head back in laughter.

"that. what you're doing with your eyes. she'll be here in like ten minutes. " he chuckled and grabbed the rest of the things.

"mom! can we stop at McDonald's? " I tried convincing my mom to buy food.

"no you just ate cereal." she finished her make up.

"so. I'll get hungry again. " I whined and she ended up saying yes.

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