chapter 32

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Viviana's POV:

I watched as Calum led Cydney inside. Hands attached.

I got up before they made it to where I was. I needed to find the guys before I was dragged into having a conversation with her.

I spotted the bright hair and walked over to the. "hey." I smiled up at the giant band. Literally.

"hey! where's Cal I thought he was with you?" Luke hugged me.

"oh um he has Cydney right now. " in order with the most realistic smile I could put on.

"Oh. okay well let's go sit over here right now. " Mikey walked us over to the opened space by the fireplace.

"alright let's play a few games while people get here." Ashton yelled out.

Random people joined the game and a few others watched. I propped myself up against the couch next to Luke and Mikey.

"hey." he s,filed over at me. He's acting strange.

"what's up." I giggled at the way he perked up. "how come you haven't text me?" I asked jokingly.

"I've been busy." he shrugged. that stung a little.

"oh. okay?" I rolled my eyes getting a bit annoyed at the way he's acting towards me.

"okay let's play a game of truth or dare." Ashton shouted over the music. I nodded and chugged the rest of my fireball. I'm gonna need more.

"wait!" Calum's voice was heard behind me and within seconds he was pulling Cydney behind him as they sat across from me.

I found myself scowling at the floor. I don't know if it's because Calum is here or because the way Luke is acting.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I got up so I could take the call outside. It was an unknown number.

"hello?" I spoke into the phone.

"Hey it's Bree where are you?" she asked.

"I'm at Harry's place. there's a party come over." she agreed after I sent her the adress.

I walked back inside and found Calum almost drunk. A high Luke and a waisted Mikey. A few more drinks they will be done.

"hold on I need more um. yeah. " Calum laughed while Cydney rolled her eyes. She seemed as if she really didn't want to be here.

My phone rang and I knew it was Bree. "hello?" I shouted over the loud music.

"hey I'm here. in front of the house. " I saw her getting out of her car and walking towards me.

"hey everyone's inside let's go. " I nod over at the door and I lead her back to where I was.

When I got back Mikey was already stoned and dmessed up. After Ashton saw Bree she was gone I have no idea where they went but when I looked over at her she was no when to be found.

"okay more truth or dares!" Calum shouted as he chugged another cup filled with alcohol.

"Calum! truth or dare?" Mikey shouted.

"truth man!" Calum grinned.

"is it true you did the dirty with Viv?" I felt my heart drop and my cheeks attract blood to them.

"no! but this one time I was- " I got up and left. I did not need to get embarrassed in front of people I don't know.

I rushed to see how I was gonna get home but I came here with the boys. I had no way. I was really missed off at this point and I just wanted to leave.

I felt the tears build up at the sound of laughing behind me. I sighed and sat on the curb over by a random car.

"hey." I heard a low voice. one that I missed.

"hi." I spoke to him softly. He sat next to me.

"Are you okay?" he wrapped his arm around me slowly. "here." He wiped his sleeve on ny cheek, taking my tears with it. "I hate when you cry."

"thanks. " I forced a fake smile." um. I'm fine. " I nodded. "did you hear anything else in there?"

"Yeah. um. I'm sorry they're my band mates but they can be dicks. do you want me to drive you home?"

"no my parents are there." I sighed.

"then let's go to my house." He smiled.

"yeah. But haven't you drank? " I asked him, standing up.

"not a sip." he shook his head. "let's go my car is right here. He walked me over to the car and opened the door for me.

"What did they say?" I asked softly as the smiths play in the background.

"don't worry about it. really. everyone is drunk and they won't remember. " he shrugged.

When we got to his house he parked and lead me to his door. "come on." I walked in and watched him as he lead me to the couch.

"I'm sorry Luke." I sighed.

"for what?" he shrugged.

"for dragging you into all of this mess." I sighed and rest my hands on my thighs.

"I put myself here because I didn't like the way they were talking about you. so it's not your fault stop putting yourself down. " he spoke sternly.

" sorry." I smiled and looked over at him.

"it's okay." he smiled. "let's play GtaV .

"Okay but I'm gonna beat you." I shrugged and grabbed a controller.

"well we'll see about that." he chuckled and started the game.

"dude what the Hell! you shot me! " he shouted as I crashed his car.

"no! you're dumb! " I laughed after I took his money and guns. "I win!"

"what no you don't! " I git up and cheered around.

"I win! I win!" I laughed at how big of a baby He was being.

"no you didn't!" he laughed and stood up.

"yep I did actually see it says right there!" I was reading the screen but before I could see it coming he threw me over his shoulder. "NO LUKE PUT ME DOWN!" I laughed loudly and clung to him.

He spun for a while and I felt like I was gonna throw up. " this is what you- " I felt him hit his foot on something and we tumbled to the floor.

I laughed and fell beside him, a little too close. His laughed filled my ear and soon our eyes made contact. I watched as his eyes left from my eyes and to my lips.

His face neared mine and soon enough our lips were locked. I missed this feeling. I like it.


(no I'm not sorry bro)


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