chapter 2

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(hey viv haha since your probably the only reader so far haha well i love you and here's chapter two)

My laptop sat on my desk along with my three pages of homework. i don't enjoy homework i am just really pushed into the whole "keep your grades up for college" kind of thing. My music is blasted into my ears and the pink pencil is in between my fingers.

I finished my work for the day and I got onto YouTube. I typed in my favorite songs and sang loudly.

"AND YOU WILL NEVE-" a hand was waved in front of my face and pulled my ear phones out.

"dude dad said to go eat. stop screaming." my brother laughed and walked out of my room. I felt so embarrassed for not knowing he came in and hearing me shout the lyrics to music.

I set my laptop to the side and walked down to get a plate of food. "hey mom?" she flipped the tortillas.

"yeah?" she turned around wiping her hands on her shorts.

"will you hand me a fork please?" I smiled big and she shook her head playfully. Its not that I don't like my family, I love them, its just I like being in my room and not communicating with them. Its perfectly normal.

"here." she handed me the silver object and I took my seat.


I got ready for school and put the outfit on I picked out the night before. My white T-shirt with my black skinny jeans. I wrapped my red flannel around my waist and tied my black creepers on my feet.

My hair was straightened and I put on a coat of mascara. I brushed my teeth and I grabbed my backpack.

"dad I'm ready!" I shouted as I grabbed my eyebrow piercing. I shoved it in my pocket and walked down stairs.

I got in the car and my dad drove me to hell. I mean school.

I sat in front of my homeroom and waited for the bell to ring. "hey Luke." I smiled at the closest thing I have to a friend. I barely know the kid but he sits next to me and he's the only person I talk to here.

"Hey Viv! how are you?" he smiled and sat next to me.

"I'm good I like your outfit." I complimented his ripped black skinny jeans, white converse, and nirvana T-shirt. I spotted his lip ring and remembered about my piercing.

My parents hate it so I only wear it at school or when I go out. I slipped it in and sighed.

"thanks I like yours too. dude you're like the only one who gets my style at this shitty school I mean other than Calum but still." I smiled I don't know who Calum is so I just nodded.

"yeah same to you. " the bell rang and I walked into homeroom. I sat in the back of the class and Luke sat beside me.

"hey we should have lunch together I notice you eat alone. That's not cool." he smiled.

"okay." I nodded and giggled. I brought my attention up to Ms. Johnson who was about to start homeroom announcements. She's also my science teacher.

After homeroom I had English language arts. I walked over to the class where I sat in the front.

Lunch came quick and I met Luke in front of the cafeteria. "hey come on." he smiled and we got our lunch.

We sat in the back of the cafeteria where its less crowded. I sat across from him and opened my sandwich.

"oh yeah my friend is meeting us here." I nodded he's probably talking about that Calum kid. I still don't know who the hell that is.

"okay that's cool." I took a bite of the horrid lunch.

"oh he's right here." he signalled behind me and I nodded I didn't feel like turning around I didn't know him so I'd see him sooner or later.

"hey man!" oh my god. Its him. the guy. The one I oh no. I didn't know his name was Calum.

"hey this is Viv." he smiled at me and Calum sat across from me. I instantly felt the blood rushing to my cheeks and I don't know what to say.

"Hey." he smiled and looked down at his food.

"hi." I whispered.

"she's kinda shy at first but she'll get used to you." Luke backed me up and Calum nodded.

"have you always came here?" he asked taking a bite of his pizza.

"um yeah." I cleared my throat. He was wearing black converse and black skinny jeans with a white T-shirt. 

"that's crazy I've never seen you around and I swear I would have remembered that pretty face." he smirked and I swear if my cheeks could get any redder they would.

"oh um." I coughed and looked at Luke.

"chill man don't over whelm her." he chuckled playfully. "she's barely getting to talking a bit louder." he nudged me and I smiled.

"sorry." he smiled.


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