chapter 29

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Viviana's POV:

The next day, at school, I had lunch with the boys. Cydney was in a club meeting so that was good.

I have a feeling she doesn't really enjoy my presence, but it's not like it matters.

"so what are you doing for your birthday? The big 1-8" Luke brought up my birthday plans.

"I have no idea." I shrugged. I really didn't feel like doing anything.

"we can do something." he nodded.

After school I ran into Cydney.

"hey." I smiled but the fake grin she had plastered on her face didn't convince me.

"hi. Viv right?" she asked. She knew my name.

"yeah! hey I just wanted to tell you that me and Calum talked everything out and we're just friends. Just friends." I explained myself. Not that I needed to but I felt bad.

"oh. okay." she nodded. This was awkward.

"okay well I'll see you around." I smiled and walked home.

I made myself dinner and got to my bedroom in one swift move. Bre Is supposed to meet me here in a few.

I decided to text Luke and kill time.

*hey loser. what you up to?*

I ate my food, while blasting nirvana and looking out my window.

*hey. nothing much. *

when I went to reply the doorbell rang so I checked the door first.

"bre. " I gave her a quick hug and walked upstairs. "want any food?"

"nope I'm good." she smiled.


I replied and turned down the music. "so tell me everything that happened when I left." I sat next to bre.

"well. um we almost almost did the dirty in his garage. But I stopped it." I gasped. My brother. " brother." I whispered as if he was home.

"I know please don't tell him. I'll tell him myself please." she begged. I was not going to get in between this.

"I won't." I shrugged it off and told her everything about me and Cal.

I heard the door shut downstairs. "He's here. you can go if you want. " she nodded.

"I'm gonna try to avoid him. I'll see you tomorrow. " she headed out the door.


I've talked to Cydney a lot more now and Calum a tad less.

I got to school and found Luke, who I've been too fond of lately.

"so what are we doing today?" he asked me.

"nothing." I shrugged as we met with Calum and Cydney.

"did she just say we're doing nothing for her 18th birthday?" Calum interjected.

"She what?" Ashton gasped while Mikey chuckled at the situation.

"I don't know." I shrugged. "I mean it's whatever."

"no we're ditching. come on." I chuckled.

We headed off campus to the car. I sat in the back seat with Luke, Ashton, and Mikey. Calum and Cydney sat in the front.

"guys scoot over." I giggled and squished myself in.

"here lay on our laps." Luke suggested. I rested my head on Luke's lap and my feet on Ashton's lap.

"okay we're going on an adventure." Calum chuckled and started driving. 

I looked up at Luke who was already looking down at me. His fingers intertwined with my hair and he smiled.

a few minutes later, I got up and noticed that we were no where near the city. "where are we?" I asked as we got off the car.

"I have no idea." Calum shrugged and took out a blanket he had in the back.

"hey guys look." Ashton shouted as he held up three bottles of fireball. We cheered and took the bottles.

We all sat together and took sips. I didn't drink as much as I could because I didn't want to say anything stupid.

Calum didn't drink either because he has to drive.

Cydney on the other hand, was drunk off her ass. She slurred around. While we were laughing at something Mikey said, Cydney's phone rang.

"hiii. " she giggled.

"Where the Hell are you. are you drinking?" her father's voice filled the empty room.

"shhh.  I'm not here. " she laughed.

"don't move we're coming." She has an iPhone that can easily be tracked.

"shit." Cal cursed under his breath. A few minutes later Cydney's dad pulled up.

"get in the fucking car." he pulled her arm to the car. "and for you. Why the fuck are you taking my daughter out of school, and letting her drink. I don't want you talking to my daughter any more."

"sir no disrespect but she's the one drinking not me. and I asked her to slow down but she just kept taking more." Cal explained himself.

Her dad shook his head and walked to the car, leaving tire marks in the dirt.

"hey man Harry's gonna pick me and Ashton up. I'll talk to you later." Mikey and Ash said their goodbyes and walked towards the end of the road.

"I'm taking a fucking walk." Calum groaned and walked off.

The sun was going down now and I smiled at Luke. "lets sit on the car. " I giggled and pulled him to the car.

He sat up there and lied down. I stepped up behind him and layed beside him.

After Calum was gone for about an hour I thought he was lost but I just wanted to stay here with Luke.

I felt his stare on me and when I looked up he smiled. Our hands locked. I looked down at our hands, seeing his thumb rub against my skin.

Calum's POV:

I walked back to where we were and noticed Viv and Luke on the car. They were holding hands and her head was against his chest.

What the fuck.

Fuck this man. wow.


(double update yas)


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