chapter 49

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Viviana's POV:

Graduation is so close I'm just so done with this school year. My grades are barely hanging in and I need to keep it that way. I used to be a 4.0 student but lately I've been slacking off and not paying attention in class.

I forgot to bring my rice cake to school today so I just didn't get anything at lunch. I sat next to Cal like usually and didn't realize I didn't say hi until he said something.

"Are you okay?" He furrowed his eye brows at me. I nodded.

"I have a small head ache. How was gym class?" I tried changing the subject.

"Eat Viviana." He gave me his sandwich.

"Oh no I'm okay." I pushed it back at him. I shook my head. I saw Luke give me a glance.

"Viv. Please. " I sighed and took the sandwich. I took bites of it as slow as I could. Taking a drink of water after a bite.

"Thank you." He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I spoke after I ate. I got to the bathroom quickly and stuck my fingers down my throat. I quickly got the sandwich out. I rinsed my mouth and went back to them.

"So today I think we should all hang out. " Madz spoke.

"I can't today. " I sighed. "I have tons of homework. " I did so it wasn't a lie...but I'm not gonna do it. I don't have the energy for that.

"Oh. Its okay." Her shoulders dropped a little. I hate seeing them like that. When I don't feel like hanging out. You know.

"Sorry."  I sighed.


Calum's POV:

It's a few days before graduation. I'm so ready for this. My gpa is just above a 3.0 and I'm very proud for doing that.

I've been talking to Viv a lot more now, ever since I finished with work and I was caught up.

She's not the same though. She's so dull and looks...lost. empty. I don't know what's going on. Its not a big deal though. We'll get through it.

"So how are you and Viv?" Luke's noticed how we talk at lunch but he never talks about it.

"We're well..we're falling apart. " I shrugged. I didn't want to lie and says everything was fine because it's not. And the fact that I have no control as to what is happening makes me very anxious.

"What's going on?" Luke furrowed his eyes.

"No clue man. But hey it's cool it's nothing." I shrugged.

After school we hung out and talked. Its been a while since I've done that.

Viviana's POV:

I've been talking to Calum a lot lately and we're stronger than ever. I love this kid so much and I'm doing all of this for him. So he can have a pretty girlfriend.

It's only a week before graduation and I can't express how excited I am. My gpa is a 3.0 because of the homework packet I turned in.

I sat in bed just looking at the ground. Thoughts scattered around my mind. I played with the rubber band around my wrist that I used when I got hungry.

My head was hurting so I took a sleeping pill and with that I was asleep.


Calum's POV:

Throught the week I've been hanging out like usual. I turned in all my library books and text books. Tomorrow is graduation and I'm so excited.

When I got home from school I got a bite of the pizza my mom ordered and went upstairs.

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