•You Get Sick•

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When you get sick, Scott is always there to do anything for you. He will make you soup, give you a massage, give you many kisses, or cuddle with you when you need him. He is pretty much your own personal nurse.


He would always get sad when you got sick and never leave your side. Well unless you have to use the bathroom. Then he would be waiting for you with soup, a heating pad, and lots of blankets.


He would cook you whatever, he would feed you, he would rub your feet, bring you anything you wanted, or rub you tummy when needed. Derek would just do anything for you. He hates seeing you sick.


He would buy you everything you would need to get better. If you needed something Isaac would have went out and got the exact thing. No matter what time it was. He would also cuddle with you and watch movies.


Normally he doesn't know what to do. But he would still help you get better. He would do anything he could to see you get better. It hurts him when you get sick, because you always look so depressed. He would buy you a teddy bear to make you smile.

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