• How You Meet •

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• Scott:

It was a normal day at Beacon Hills High. You were on your way to your locker when you see a cute boy with brown curly (ish) hair and beautiful brown eyes standing in front of it.

"Oh uh, Hi. Is this your locker?" He questions with a smile as you approach him. You nod your head and he steps to the side.

"What's your name? I'm Scott." He smiles even wider and extends his hand out.

"(Y/N)." You smile and shake his large hand noticing his jaw is a little uneven. He holds onto your hand longer than he should have and you start to get a little uncomfortable.

"Uh. Scott, could you let go of my hand please?" He lets go and mutters a quick sorry.

You slowly grab your things and shut your locker ready to go to class. You turn away from him and start to walk away.

"(Y/N)! Wait, uh. Would you like to eat lunch with me, maybe?" Scott smiles. You turn around and give him a smirk.

"We will see about that. See you later." You smile and walk away with a sway in your hips.

• Stiles:

Its Friday.

Which means party at yours friends right? Well wrong. Your Fridays are spent watching Star Wars and eating a bunch of junk food in your PJ's.

After school you usually go to the store and get a few snacks, but today it didn't go as planned. As you were driving your car started to make a sound as if it was a dying whale.

"No no no no. Please no." You mutter under your breath as your car starts to slow down. You bang your head on the steering wheel and scream.

You get out of the car and give it a nasty glare.

"Piece of shit car! I knew I should have gotten the other one!" You bang your fist on the hood and sigh. As you lift the hood to your car you see an old blue jeep stop by you and a really attractive guy pop out of the window.

"Hey! Do you need some help?" He smiles and pulls over. You shake your head no and turn away.

"Are you sure? You look like you need some help. I have some tools in my car." He questions while he grabs his box.

You give him a small smile and he helps you out.

As you are about to drive away he stops you.

"Wait, I didn't catch your name. I'm Stiles." He gives you a goofy smile.

"I'm (Y/N). Thank you for helping me Stiles. It means a lot ." You smile and hand him your number.

"Oh no problem! See you around (Y/N)!" He waves and drives away.

I hope we meet again soon Stiles.

• Derek:

You were walking through the woods trying to clear your mind from what you saw. Your boyfriend, of two years had cheated on you with some random girl. You wanted to surprise him with with some snacks and movies for a simple stay at home night. But instead he was getting it on with someone else.

You thought to yourself how could he do this to you? How could he say he loves you, then go sleep with some else? In your defense you felt like you  were the perfect girlfriend. Hell you were the perfect girlfriend. Like he would care.

As you kept walking deeper into the woods you thought you kept hearing more foot steps behind you, but every time you turned around, there was nothing there. Weird.

Every time you took a few steps you would look back and wait to see if anything would happen.

"Hey! If anyone is there, I wouldn't do it. I'm not in the mood." You yelled into the darkness. You waited for a few seconds then all of a sudden a really mysterious man comes out from the tree and stares at you. He had brown almost black hair and beautiful grey (ish? they look grey to me.) eyes.

"You shouldn't be out here this late." His dark and mysterious voice said. You gave him a blank stare and shrugged.

"I don't really care. I can do what I want. Is there a law about me walking out here?" You snapped back in a sassy tone.

He looked shocked about your outcome and growled.

"Look, if you want to die fine. Be my guest. One less person in this town." You gave him a glare and put your hand on your hip. "And what about you? Won't you die as well?"

He shook his head and turned away. "No. I can defend myself unlike you." Oh wow. You thought.

"Whatever asshole. Just leave." You scoffed and turned away as well. "Well, goodbye then." You heard as he started to walk away. You didn't get his name.

"Hey wait! What's your name?" You yelled but regretted sounding desperate. As you waited you heard a faint sound that sounded like 'Derek'..

• Isaac

You were hanging with your friends after school in the bleachers just watching the lacrosse practice.

"How can they do this over and over again? I would die after the first one!" You laughed as you watched the players run laps. Your friends laughed at you and shook their heads.

"It sucks for them but for us its amazing. Watching hot guys get all sweaty." Your friend sighed and fanned herself. You giggled and looked at the players as they got water.

You looked around until your eyes caught the sight of a cute boy with golden brown curly hair and beautiful blue eyes. You couldn't stop staring at him. He just looked so amazing. Eventually he caught you staring and gave you a small smile. You looked down and blushed.

After practice was over you and your friends started to collect your things.

"Hey (Y/N). Want to go grab a bite?" Your friend asked you. You shook your head and smiled.

"Nah, I gotta get home and tackle this homework. But y'all enjoy yourself!" You walked off the bleachers and as you hit the last step you tripped and started to fall. When you closed your eyes and waited for the impact. It never came. As you opened your eyes you saw the cute boy.

"Woah. Might want to be careful there." He chuckled. You were probably blushing mad hard because of the fact that you two were face to face.

"Uh. Yeah. I..should. I ..uh..Thanks." You managed to say. He laughed and helped you pick up your things. "I'm Isaac by the way." He smiled. "(Y/N). Thank you so much Isaac." You blushed and turned to walk away.

As you got to your car you turned and saw Isaac staring at you with a smirk. You giggled and got in your car and drove away.

Thanks for saving my butt Isaac.

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