• Imagine for Perksoftrinity •

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You were currently sitting at one of the picnic tables studying by yourself. Lately you and your boyfriend Stiles have been having some troubles.

He had been hanging out with Malia a lot more then you wanted him to. Whenever you would ask him about it he had always replied with it was for the pack.

So usually you would be by yourself studying or reading since he would be around Malia more.

While you were studying your mind kept wondering to them. You kept thinking about how they could be secretly dating behind your back. You were starting to actually believe what your mind was telling you. You thought about how he would always bail and it made you want answers.

You put all of your things into your bag and stood up walking around to find Stiles.

You heard the sounds of everyone talking as you walked down the halls looking to spot Stiles. You heard his laugh as you came around the corner. He was with Malia and they seemed to be getting too close for your liking.

You sucked in a breath and decided to get the answers you deserved.

"Stiles. We need to talk." You said, with power in your voice. He gave you a questioning look and told Malia to hold on a second.

"What's up babe? Is it something bad?" He pouted, running his hand through his hair. You looked at him them at Malia.

"Do you um.. Do you and Malia have a thing going on? And tell the truth Stiles. I'm tired of you ditching me for her! I'm your girlfriend not her. I don't know why you keep putting me second when she isn't even yours! So I want you to tell me the truth!" You yelled, balling up your fists.

"What's going on?" Malia came over, touching Stiles shoulder.

"None of your business. If I needed to talk to you as well I would have said so. Go somewhere else." You grumbled, looking at Stiles shocked face.

"I uh.. Trinity.. I.. Me and.. I..I'm sorry.." He whispered, looking down at his feet.

"Wow. So it's true. I can't believe this
I can not freaking believe this. I trusted you Stiles! I trusted you with all of my heart! And for it to be broken. This is absolutely ridiculous." You scoffed, biting you lip to keep yourself from crying.

"Trinity. I said I was sorry.. I didn't mean for this to happen.." He whispered sniffing a little.

"I don't understand Stiles. Did you cheat on me with her?" Malia growled, glaring at you.

"No. He cheated on ME with you. I guess I wasn't good enough for you Stiles. You could have said that. I'm so hurt. Don't ever talk to me again. Don't even try. Goodbye Stiles." You whispered turning away, speed walking down the hall.

You finally let the tears flow down your cheeks when you got to the tree Stiles had asked you out at. You looked at the carvings that were put there months ago.

"Nothing lasts forever.." You whispered touching the letters.

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