• Laughs •

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A lil Jackson imagine for you guys. ♡


"Babe, come look at this!" You heard Jackson laugh hysterically. You giggled as you heard him laugh again. Getting up you walked over to him and plopped down on his lap.

He gave you his phone, leaning back still laughing on the side. You laughed as you watched the video hearing Jackson laugh even louder as he heard it again.

"I don't get how kids are this funny! It is like they were built for this." He sighed out, wiping the tears from his eyes.

You turned around on his lap, now straddling him you just stared at him. He looked right back at you smiling wide.

"What are you staring at babe? Is my face red?" He pouted, placing his hands on his cheeks.

"No baby. I just love seeing you laugh and smile. It is one of my favorite things to hear." You smiled, kissing his nose.

He wrapped his arms around your waist shaking his head at the little kiss you gave him.

"Now you know you aren't suppose to kiss me like that babygirl. Give me a proper kiss." He smirked, leaning in, hovering his lips over yours.

"And If I don't?" You breathed out, wrapping your arms around his neck. He chuckled and kissed you roughly.

"Or I might have to tie you up baby." He laughed at your facial expression, pecking your shocked lips.

"Just kidding. Maybe." He winked, hugging you tightly.

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