•Imagine for Kayk13•

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It was Saturday and yours were spent with Scott and Stiles hanging out at your house watching movies.

Usually it's just those two but for some reason they invited Isaac over. But you had no problem with it since you had a huge crush on him. You thought he was the sweetest person ever to walk this earth. But you felt like he only saw you as little sister.

"Kayla! Hey! Kayla! Are you there?" Scott poked you in the forehead. You shook your head and looked at him raising your eyebrow. "Yeah. I'm here. What's up?"

He laughed and stood up. "Kayla. Me and Stiles are going to go out for a bit. You cool to stay here with Isaac? Of course you are. See ya!" He waved and walk out with Stiles laughing behind him.

As you turned to look at Isaac he was already staring at you. He exhaled a large breath and tapped his leg making it more awkward.

"Soo. Um. What do you want to do?" He laughed. But his laughed seemed like he was nervous. You shrugged and looked around. "Um. I kinda want some cupcakes. Do you want to help me bake them?" You smiled warmly. He nodded and got up slowly.

"Wait. Kayla. I don't know how to bake exactly." He chuckled. You smiled and grabbed his hand. "I'll teach you. It will be fun!" You laughed and dragged him into the kitchen.

You grabbed all of the things you would have needed and you guys had started to get to work. As you were tasting the batter you had realized that it needed more flour.

"Hey. Isaac could you pass the flour please." You smiled sweetly. He nodded and grabbed the flour but tripped suddenly making the flour fall all over you. You let out a loud screech and looked at him. "Isaac! Why would you do that! I have flour all over me now!"

He tries to hold back the laugh by biting his lip but he couldn't hold it in any longer. You smirk and picked up two eggs and throw them at his shirt, "Now were even."

He gasped and grabbed the nearest thing which resulted you into running away from him. You guys ended up having a full on war. Throwing everything you guys could find. He came up towards you and smashed frosting all over your face laughing as he looked at your face.

"Isaac! Get this off of me!" You whined. He smiled and put his arm around your waist. "I'd be happy to." And with that he pressed his lips against yours. Sooner or later it turned into a full on make out session.

You guys pulled away when you heard the door open and Scott yell that they were home. You two tried to make it seem like nothing happened but when they walked in they noticed that something had happen with both of you looking flustered and food everywhere.

"Well! Looks like you two had fun!" Stiles smirked. Making you blush ten times harder and Isaac to laugh. You thought on how this could be the start of something new.

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