• With Me •

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( Isaac imagine ♡ HIS SMILE IS SO DAMN CUTE. I LOVE HIM. )

"Princess, wake up. We got things we need to do today." Isaac whispered into your ear, giving your cheek a quick kiss.

You groaned in protest but then giggled softly as Isaac placed multiple kisses on your face.

"Come on baby girl, I want to take you out to breakfast." He pouted, picking you up.

Your eyes opened to be met by the blue ones you fell in love with. "Good morning princess!" You smiled and buried your face into his chest making him chuckle and walk towards the bathroom.

"You need to shower and get ready princess. I have planned out our Saturday and I want it to be perfect." He smiled, placing you onto your feet, giving your bum a light slap as he walked out of the bathroom.

You giggled and proceeded to get ready like he said. Once your shower was finished you put on yout undergarments and walked out of the bathroom. You gasped in awe as you saw an outfit picked out for you on the bed.

You picked up the white lace dress slowly and stared at it. Smiling bigger you slipped it one slowly, putting on all of the accessories that were also on the bed and slipped on the white flats, lacing up the strings.

You decided to put on a small amount of makeup to keep the look as innocent as possible.

Once you were ready you walked downstairs seeing Isaac sitting on the couch on his phone. You cleared your throat loudly to get his attention which made him jump and lock his phone quickly.

"Holy shit. I mean, wow baby. You look amazing." He smiled, looking you up and down.

"Who were you texting?" You questioned with a raised eyebrow. He shook his head and chuckle.

"No one baby. I was just on instagram." You gave him a look trying to figure out if he was lying or not.

"Shall we go? I want to get there on time princess." He smiled, grabbing your hand and walking you two out to his car.

Once you two were buckled up and ready to go he turned towards you and smiled. "I love you (Y/N)."

"I love you too Isaac." You said slowly, giving him a funny look as he pulled out of the driveway and drove off.

The car ride was fairly silent besides the soft music playing from the radio. You were admiring the scene around you. You had to admit that Beacon Hills was a beautiful place but all of the supernatural made it weird to live there.

You were interrupted from your thoughts when Isaac parked in front of a small breakfast place. He got out of the car and quickly walked to your side, opening the door for you.

"Thank you. I've never seen this place before. Have you been here?" Isaac nodded and held your hand, locking his car.

"Yeah. With my mom and dad. We use to come here a lot. But then things got rough and we just forgot about this place. Well they did. I wanted to being you here cause this place is special to me. Just like you are." He smiled, kissing your temple.

You two walked in, hand and hand, the hostess greeted you with a small smile. She seemed to be a little older than you two. Older than your parents maybe. She grab two menus and guided you two to a table.

"Here you go kiddos. Someone will be right with you very soon." Isaac thanked her and she smiled back at him, walking away slowly.

After a while you two had ordered food and you didn't realize how hungry you were until the food came and you devoured it within seconds. Isaac chuckled at how fast you were eating which made you stick your tongue out at him.

"What else do you have planned for today?" You asked, taking a sip of your juice.

"That is a secret princess." As soon as those words came out of his mouth his phone vibrated on the table violently, making him pick it up and shift slightly. "I have to take this. I'll be right back baby. I promise."

You huffed in annoyance and watched him get up and quickly walk away before taking the call. As you waited for Isaac you saw the waiter and asked for the check.

As you finished paying Isaac walked back in quickly, seeing that the table was cleared and you were signing the receipt.

"Princess? Did you pay?" You shrugged nonchalantly. "Yeah. I didn't care really. You were taking a while on the phone so I just paid so we can leave."

"Give me your wallet. No more paying for stuff. Today is the day I want to spoil you. So hand it over." He demanded, holding his hand out.

You didn't feel like arguing over it so you place the wallet in his hand making him give you a satisfied look.

"Now let's go to the next activity for the day."


All day Isaac had taken you to places you and him loved together. He had taken you to the aquarium, the zoo, and out to lunch. It was now around eight and the sun was slowly starting to go down.

Isaac had told you there was one more place where he wanted to take you. So here you were, being guided by Isaac with a blindfold on.

"How much longer? I'm tired of walking." You whined which made Isaac pick you up and continue walking.

"Put me down Isaac! I didn't ask for you to carry me." He chuckled, but this chuckle seemed more forced and nervous.

A few minutes later you were slowly put down and you went to reach for the blindfold but Isaac slapped your hands away.

"Isaac? Why can't I take it off? This is starting to get creepy." You mumbled, crossing your arms.

"Okay princess. You can take it off." You heard him whisper. The second he said that you practically ripped the damn thing off, being blinded by the bright lights.

As you adjusted your vision you looked around and started to notice that the place you were at is were Isaac asked you out at.

You looked around and saw lights hanginf from the trees and a small picnic set up.

"Isaac? Where did you go?" You pouted turning around to see him down on one knee.

"Princess. I love you so much. Probably way too much. But that doesn't matter because you love me. And I don't want to go another minute without you being with me forever. The first time I saw you I knew I wanted you to be mine. And when I first brought you here to ask you to be mine. I knew I would bring you here again to ask once more but in a deeper way. So (Y/N), will you marry me?" You stood there in shock. You couldn't believe that is was happening.

You couldn't help but let the tears fall down your cheeks nodding your head slowly, whispering a faint yes. You knew Isaac didn't need to hear it again because of his senses but you said yes once more but louder.

"Seriously? You will really marry me?" You nodded your head rapidly, tackling him to the ground.

"Yes Isaac! My answer is yes and will always be yes!" He smiled brightly, showing his perfect teeth.

You sat up and let him slide the ring onto your finger. You wiped your tears as you looked at the ring.

"I love you so fucking much Isaac." He sat up and wrapped his arm around you, kissing you with so much love.

"I love you more princess."

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