•Imagine for TTgurl•

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You and Stiles were having a stay at home day with a lot of snacks, movies, and blankets to wrap up in, since it was so cold out.

You two were wrapped up in each others arms laughing at all of the weird people you could spot in the movie. He would make a joke and it would sometimes have you dying of laughter.

"Stiles! Stop! My stomach can't take it anymore." You cried as he made a joke about the woman being a whale and making various whale noises.

"Noo! Its funny babe." He laughed and poked your sides. You swatted his hand away and poked him back.

"It is , but you're gonna make my stomach explode from laughter." He gasped and grabbed you and pull you close.

"Okay. Okay. I'll stop. I can't have you exploding on me. What would I say to the children!" He fake cried. You gave him your best 'bish what face' and laughed.

"What children? Are you pregnant!? How could this be! We used protection! On no. Its not mine!" You used your man voice. He stood up and put his hand over his heart and looked to the side. "But at last. It is your baby. We are having.. we are having.. twins." He dramatically cried.

You two looked at each other then burst out into a fit of laughter. Clutching your stomachs in pain. "Oh god. That was good. Great acting babe." He laughed and kissed your forehead. You smiled and poked his nose.

"Of course it was. I am the best!" You giggled and stood on the couch looking like a hero. He grabbed you and tackled you on to the couch playfully.

"My hero. I love you baby girl." He whispered and kissed you. You kissed back and looked into his eyes.

"I love you more Batman." You giggled.

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