•He Gets Sick•

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The only time he gets sick is after you feel better. He gets sick because of all the kisses he would give you. You would complain about it but he said he didn't care. But he always healed up fast. Even then you still take care of him to repay him for taking care of you.


You always take care of him. You make him soup, give him hugs when he wants them, watch movies with him and cuddle. He would rest his head in your lap and you would play in his hair. Sometimes giving him little pecks on the cheek.


Its super rare when Derek gets sick. But if he does you are always ready to take care of him. He would always protest but you still helped him. He would eventually give up only because he thought it was cute when you helped him.


He would only want cuddles when he is sick and you always agreed. When he wanted something you would always get it for him after hearing him complain about it. You always played with his hair to help him fall asleep as well.


When he gets sick. He always denies it. He would say he is fine but then sneeze or cough his lungs out. After you got him to finally admit he was sick you would make him soup and tea. He would be wrapped up in two blankets waiting for you to attend to him, sniffling every two seconds.

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