• Imagine for Hayesgrier3000 •

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You let out a small groan as you opened yours eyes, squinting to adjust you vision. You tried to remember what had happened before you blacked out but you couldn't. You tried to move your arms but you realized that you were handcuffed to the wall.

"What the hell? Hello? What is going on?" You yelled trying to get someone's attention.

You waited and waited for someone to come and get you but no one had answered you. You let out a scream and tried to pull on the cuffs but they didn't budge.

"Derek? Derek where are you?" You heard a growl and started to panic. You looked around the room and tried to find the mysterious growl.

"Derek? This isn't funny. Or whoever is out there. Let me go."

"Derek won't be able to save you this time love." You heard a sinister voice say.

You looked around the room when your eyes landed onto Deucalion. (I don't know how to spell that. ohwell.) He slowly got up and walked towards you, placing his hand on your cheek.

"Don't touch me you psycho! When Derek gets here he is going to kill you!" You growled, thrashing around.

He let out a laugh and turned away. "You think I kept him alive when I kidnapped you? You are such a silly child."

"Wait. What do you mean? Did you kill Derek?! You monster! Why would you do this to us.  What did we ever do to you?" You cried, pulling at the cuffs.

"I simply felt like it. I can do what I please my dear. And there is nothing you can do about it now is there?" He grinned, leaving the room.

You screamed and pulled at the cuffs even harder. After a few minutes you finally gave up, your wrists were throbbing and a very deep shade of red. You felt the tears run down your face thinking about how Derek could be dead. Deucalion could be lying to see you suffer, that's what he does you thought.

A few days went by and Deucalion had let you down but your ankle was cuffed to the wall so you wouldn't run. You had felt like someone was sucking the life out of you. You never felt pain like this before.

"How are you feeling?" You heard Deucalion question with humor.

"Is that a real question? I haven't showered in four freaking days! My feet are black, my stomach is slowly eating its self, and I haven't slept properly since you kidnapped me." You sassed, with venom dripping from for tone.

"Oh? Well look who has decided to try to speak up. Last time I checked I was in charge and you are not to speak to me in a way like that." He growled, grabbing your chin roughly.

You looked straight into his eyes and spat on his face. "I hope Derek kills you. I know you didn't kill him. I hope he comes with Scott and they tear you limb from limb."

He pushed you down on the floor and wiped is face. Chuckling he walked out of the room slamming the door, leaving you there in the dark room.

At some point during the day you heard some growls and grunts. You realized that is was a fight that was going on and you jumped up and tried to run towards the door only to be stopped.

"Damn it. Someone! Help me please! Please!" You screamed out, pulling on the shackle. You heard the growls get louder and it made you pull on the shackle even harder.

"What the hell. Just break already!" You screamed in frustration, pulling on the chain.

You heard the voices outside the door and it made you even happier. "Help! Derek? Scott? Whoever it is help me please!"

You watched the door break down and Scott come into view and run over to you. "Shelby! Thank god we finally found you. Are you alright?"

"I'm far from okay. Can you please get me out of this place?" You whined, pulling on the shackle. Scott nodded and grabbed the shackle and pulled it apart, picking you up bridal style taking you out of the room.

"Is Derek here..? Deucalion told me he killed him when they kidnapped me." You whispered sniffling, thinking about him hurt.

"They didn't kill him. But that doesn't mean they didn't hurt him. He is at the loft recovering. I had some of the pack help me fight. Deucalion got away but some of his pack is hurt." Scott explained running out of the building to Stiles jeep.

"Fantastic you got her! Let's get the hell out of here." Stiles grumbled starting up the jeep and speeding away to the loft.

You curled up in the back seat and looked out the window. You thought about how it would be amazing to see Derek. Closing your eyes you drifted off into a sleep.

"Shelby. Sweetheart wake up." You heard a familiar voice whisper. Your eyes opened slowly and you were greeted with Derek's face close to yours smiling brightly.

"Der. I missed you so much!" You cried, jumping into his arms. He flinched harshly and slowly wrapped his arm around you. "I missed you too baby. I'm sorry I couldn't be there to save you. Deucalion had tried to kill me that night when he took you but Scott came just in time."

"It's okay Derek. As long as I'm with you again nothing matters." You whispered kissing him softly.

"Are you hungry sweetheart? I can make you something if you want." He smiled, kissing your forehead.

"Please. Anything is fine with me." You smiled at his gesture. "I love you Derek."

"I love you more Shelby. I'm glad you're home."

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