•Imagine for Mrs_Dandelion •

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You and Stiles were at a big bonfire party the school threw for the lacrosse team for their big win. Both of you were sitting at a table just looking at everyone dancing and laughing.

You really wanted to dance but Stiles didn't look like he wasn't really into the party.

"Stiles please. I really want to dance." You whined. He looked at you and shook his head for the thousandth time. You huffed out a breath and got up, "Fine. I'll just go dance with someone else then. Since you want to be a party pooper."

He grabbed your hand giving you the 'don't be stupid' look but that made you angry causing you to rip your hand away from him and walk away.

You walked towards the dance floor bobbing your head to the beat a little looking around to see if Stiles followed you. As you looked around you saw some guy checking you out, you smiled back and flipped some of your hair over your shoulder.

He walked towards you and gave you a flirty smile, "What is a pretty girl like you doing on the dance floor by yourself?" You were about to answer but Stiles walked in front of you and grabbed your hand. "She is with me. Now leave." He stated.

You looked at him and removed your hand from his. "What the hell is your problem Stiles." You growled. He sighed and took your hand walking away from everyone towards his jeep.

You struggled to get out of his grip but he had a firm hold onto you. When you guys made it to his jeep, he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close.

"Sierra, I'm just not feeling well okay..I know how bad you wanted to be here and I didn't want to upset you by not going. I just wanted to see you smile. I'm sorry.." He whispered into your hair. You sighed and cupped his face and gave him a small kiss.

"Stiles.. You should have said something. I would have just stayed with you at home. You didn't have to put yourself through this. I care about you too much." He gave you a small smile and caressed your cheek.

"How about we go back to your house and I take care of you. I'll make you some soup and tea." You smiled and got in the car.

"That sounds perfect baby." He got into the drivers seat and started up the engine.

"I love you Stiles. So much" You kissed his cheek. He smiled and grabbed your hand.

"I love you more Sierra."

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