• He Has A Nightmare. •

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You were laying next to Scott watching tv, as he was peacefully sleeping. When you went to reach for the remote, Scott started to thrash around and throw his fists everywhere.

"Scott! Scott! Stop! It's just a dream." You screamed shaking him trying to desperately wake him up. He kept thrashing around as you kept shaking him. He kept mumbling about something but you couldn't hear him well.

"Scott , baby please wake up." You started to cry. He finally stopped and slowly opened his eyes.

"(Y/N)? Oh my god, I just had the worst dream of my life. You left me and everyone started dying and it just, I don't know.." He cried.

"It's okay baby. I'm never going to leave you. Everyone is alright. Come here." You layed back down and let his head rest on your chest. You lightly stroked his head and started to softly hum a song.

"I love you (Y/N). Thank you." He whispered. You kissed his head and whispered an 'I love you too' while slowly falling alseep.


You and Stiles had a movie and he ended up falling asleep during the movie with his head in your lap. You started to play with his hair while watching whatever was on tv. As you ran your hand through his hair he started to slightly move around. You stopped your actions and watched to see if he would move again.

When you went to touch his hair again he started to groan and move some more. He started to mumble things and his body started to get hot.

"Stiles? Baby. Wake up." You lightly shook him trying to wake him up. He whimpered and slowly opened his eyes. You pulled your sleeve up a bit and wiped his forehead to get rid of the sweat.

"Baby. Are you okay? Did you have a nightmare?" You whispered while lightly stroking his cheek. He frowned and nodded his head. "Do you want to talk about it?" He shook his head and wrapped his arms around your waist.

"I love you Stiles." You whispered and kissed his forehead.


You and Derek were sleeping in his bed pretty much glued together. You were wrapped up in his big arms peacefully sleeping. As you pulled the covers a bit, you felt Derek covered in sweat. When you looked up at him, his face had a big frown. You shook him a bit trying to wake him up so his nightmare didn't get worse.

"Der. Baby boy. Wake up. You're having a nightmare." You shook him with more force. He finally opened his eyes and sat up. "(Y/N)? What happened?" You sat up and rubbed his back.

"Baby you had a nightmare. Do you not remember it?" He shook his head. You gave him a small smile and kissed his lips. "It's okay baby. Let's just watch a movie, yeah?" He nodded and layed back down with your head on his chest.


It was never a suprise to you when Isaac had nightmares. They almost happened every night . He would usually scream and thrash around in the bed like a wild animal. You would try to wake him up the best way you could without him lashing out on you. Every time you eventually wake him up, he would be covered in sweat and he would have a mess load of tears running down his cheeks.

As you were sleeping you heard the bed creak a bit due to his movements. As you slowly sat up, all hell broke loose. He shot up like a rocket and let out a loud growl and started to throw his fists everywhere trying to hit something. You fell off of the bed and hurriedly ran to his side and tried to calm him down. You shouted his name, threw pillows at him, even started to throw other things.

"Isaac! Stop! It's just a dream!" You screamed louder and jumped him. He finally stopped hitting the air and opened his eyes. He looked at you almost like you were a robber . He grabbed you and wrapped his arms around you and started to sob into your shoulder.

"I just want to sleep without these nightmares (Y/N)! I can't take this." He sobbed even louder. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer. "Baby calm down. We will work something out. I promise I will fix this." You kissed his forehead and slowly shushed him . I promise Isaac. You thought to yourself while rocking the both of you back and forth.


Liam had been having nightmares lately due to all of the chaos going on. Almost every night he would wake up a panting mess trying to recollect himself. Some nights you would be there to help but other nights he would deal with them alone. And unfortunately it was one of those nights.

He had a dream where he was drowning in the well. He had woken up screaming for help but then he realized that it was just a dream. He reached for his phone to call the one person that would make it better. You.

"Liam..? Do you know what time it is..?" You yawned into the phone rubbing your eyes. He sighed and sat up. "I know (Y/N).. But I had a nightmare. And I need you.." He whispered softly. He heard silence over the phone for a while and he had begin to think you fell back asleep.

"I'll be over soon Li. Keep your window unlocked." You whispered and grabbed your shoes. "I love you. Thank you." He softly smiled.

"I love you too Liam. Be over in ten." You smiled and hung up, getting in your car to go comfort you boyfriend.


And. Who is your favorite female character from Teen Wolf? C:

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