• Imagine for Hapaige •

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You, Scott, and Stiles had been spending time with each other the past week to help get Derek something for his birthday. You guys were currently in the mall looking through numerous stores to find him some things. So far you had gotten him some cologne and some new boots. You were trying to find him the perfect leather jacket. He had said he wanted a new one for quite some time and you had decided that you wanted to fulfill his wish.

"Hailey! Just hurry up and pick one. I don't think he cares what type it would be. It's just a freaking jacket." Stiles groaned.

"Well excuse me for trying to be a good girlfriend! I want him to have a really good jacket that will last longer than his others. So if he ever wolfs out, his jacket doesn't do that same." You pouted, walking past Stiles to some others.

"Hailey has a point. Derek has quite a few jackets that ripped in some situations. Take your time Hailey. I don't mind." Scott assured you smiling brightly.

"How can you even afford these damn things? Look at this price. Fifty dollars for this ugly thing! What the hell is that? They are robbing us!" Stiles cried out dramatically. You walked over to him and gently slapped him in the back of the neck.

"Stop bitchin'. I'm buying this, not you!" He glared at you and mumbled something under his breath while Scott tried to hold back a laugh.

You grabbed the jacket you liked and went up to the register to pay for it. The woman behind the counter gave you a small smile and looked between Scott and Stiles. "Is this for one with the spikey hair?" You gave her a confused look. "Excuse me?"

She pointed towards Scott and wrapped the jacket. "That must be your boyfriend yes? You had hit the more dramatic one, so I assume the other one is yours?" You gasped and blushed, shaking your head viciously.

"They are both just my friends. I have a boyfriend already. Thank you." You smiled, taking the wrapped present from her and speed walking out of the store. "Hailey wait up!" Scott and Stiles shouted, running after you.

"Hailey! Slow down! Jesus woman." Stiles huffed resting his hands on his knees. You looked at them and let out a sigh. "Can you guys take me to Derek's? I'm done shopping."

They both nodded and walked with you to the car. "Is everything okay?" Scott pouted, throwing his arm over your shoulder. You nodded your head and moved his arm.

When you guys got to Derek's house you got out of the car and gave them a smile. "Thanks for putting up with me this week. Sorry if I annoyed you guys." They chuckled and shook their heads.

"We would help you with anything Hailey. You are our best friend. We should always help each other out." Scott smiled. You waved goodbye and headed to the front door.

When you walked inside the loft, you took your shoes off and held the gifts in your hand. "Derek? Where are you?" You yelled, walking through the living room. Weird. You saw his car outside. You walked upstairs and heard loud music blasting in his room.

"Derek?" You opened his door and saw him doing pushups shirtless. You dropped his gifts on his bed and slowly walked over to him.

"Hey Der. Are you okay?" You smiled, sitting in front of him. He grunted and continued to do pushups. You cocked your head to the side. "What's wrong? Did something happen today?"

"No." He answered, standing up. You stood up and reached out for him. "Then what is the problem? Did I do something?"

"Where have you been Hailey? Every time I come home you aren't here and you don't answer my calls." He says coldly, wiping the sweat from his body.

"I have been with Scott and Stiles. They have been helping me with some things. Is that such a problem? To hang out with my friends?" You sassed back.

"For what reason? You have been hanging out with them all week! There is no reason for that." He growled getting louder.

"To get you something for your birthday Derek! Is that such a problem that I wanted to be a good girlfriend for you? I have been stressing all week about this. They helped me find things for you since I'm not a guy!" You growled grabbing his things and shoving them towards him.

"Happy freaking birthday." You say sarcastically walking out of the room. He grabbed your hand before you left the room and pulled you towards his chest.

"I'm sorry sweetheart. I just.. I felt like you didn't want to spend time with me. I guess you could say I got jealous." He whispered into your hair. You groaned and looked at him. "Derek. Scott and Stiles are like my brothers. I can't see them like that. I just wanted to make you day special."

"You didn't have to Hailey. I told you that. I just need you." He smiled, kissing your forehead.

"Happy Birthday Derek." You smiled, kissing his nose.

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