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You and Scott were at his house currently having an argument. You two had went out to a party and Allison was there and of course it caused a little bit of trouble at first but then it got worse.

Scott had ditched you for her and left you there all alone. So you ended up leaving and going to his house to get your things.

When you were packing up he came in and all hell broke loose.

"Why would you leave (Y/N)!? You left and I was looking for you for hours!" He yelled.

"Are you serious Scott?" You scoffed and kept packing up, "You out of all people ditched me for Allison. And you have the nerve to yell at me? I should be yelling at you. But, I'm going to be the mature one and keep this calm."

He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair trying to calm down. Trying not to shift from anger.

"Seriously Scott... You ditched me for your ex. Do you know how crappy I feel. To have my boyfriend leave me at a party all by my self?" You whispered, sniffling a little.

He walked over to you and wrapped his arms around you pulling you closer. "I'm sorry baby. I didn't.. I didn't know how you would feel. I feel like such a jackass."

You buried your face into his chest and wrapped your arms around him.

"I'm so mad at you Scott. But I still love you at the same time. I hate that about you sometimes. No matter how mad I get, I will still love you." You giggled a bit. He chuckled and kissed the top of your head.

"I love you more (Y/N)."


"Seriously Stiles! What the hell is your problem!" You yelled. Stiles had went out with Scott and got really shit-faced wasted.

He came stumbling in house at two in the morning, knocking almost everything over and sharing a few curse words while doing it.

"Whaa-- What are you talking about babe. I'm so not drunk." He laughed while swaying around. You groaned and lightly pushed him so he fell on the couch.

"Are you kidding me Stiles! You are freaking wasted! You can't even stay still for two seconds without falling. I'm tired of this! It has been like this for two weeks now. Either you get you shit together or I'm leaving!" He looked at you and shrugged, standing up.

"I don't care if you leave! I can do whatever the hell I want. You don't tell me what to do! You keep nagging me and I'm sick of it! Just leave!" He yelled.

You looked at him tying to hold back your tears, "Fine. I'm going to leave." You walked upstairs to pack your things, him following you.

When you gathered all of your things, you walked to your car and looked at Stiles.

"When you decide to grow up and actually remember that you have a girlfriend. Call me." And with that you drove away.


You and your best friend Derek were at his loft having a little disagreement. He had started seeing Jennifer recently and being you, you never trusted any women that tried to date him. Being that you loved him too much to see him get hurt.

"Derek. You shouldn't be with her! What if she is evil and kills you! I can't let that happen to you." He shook his head and stood up.

"I'm not having this conversation with you anymore (Y/N). I like her a lot. And I doubt she would try to hurt me. She is a teacher for gods sake!" He groaned and started to walk away.

"Derek you are being an idiot! I swear when she hurts you, don't come to me crying because I won't be there for you! I will just laugh and say I told you so!" You yelled and grabbed your jacket.

He walked towards you and grabbed your hand, "Where are you going? Why are you being like this (Y/N)? Why can't I date her? Why is it such a big deal?" You shook your head and yanked your hand away.

"Because Derek..I..love you. Okay Derek, I'm in love with you." You cried and ran out, hearing his screams for you to come back. Now knowing why you were being like this.


You and Isaac have been having some problems lately, mostly about you hanging around your friends and what not. He had always tried to keep you at home with him instead of being out with your friends. He even faked being sick for a few days to keep you home.

"No Isaac. For the last time. I'm going out. Stop being such a child about this." You hissed and swatted his hand away. He groaned and stood behind you.

"Please princess. I don't trust them. I feel like they would hurt you." You sighed as he wrapped him arms around you from behind, burying his face in the crook of your neck.

"Isaac. I have known them for a while. I don't think they would hurt me. Stop doing this. Its getting on my nerves." You shook him off of you and walked to get your keys.

"(Y/N). Seriously. I said you are not going." He growled and pushed you up against the wall. You glared at him and tried to get away from him but he blocked you in.

"Isaac this isn't funny. Let me go right now." You wiggled around but he didn't budge.

"Isn't there some way I can keep you here?" He whispered. You shook your head and bit your lip.

"No. I'm tired of having this conservation with you. I'm going. End of this. Now move." He let go and watched you leave.


Liam was at his house playing video games, while you were out with one of your closets guy friends. He wanted you to stay home but you told him you couldn't. And of course that made him a little jealous. He had tried to do things to get the thought out of his head but nothing worked.

So instead he decided to call you. When you picked up the phone he was ready to let you have but instead he was greeted with a fit of squeals and you telling your friend to stop. He immediately thought you were in danger until he heard you laugh.

"(Y/N)? Hello? Come home right now. I don't want you out anymore." He said into the phone. You excused your self from your friend and walked to a quiet spot.

"What the hell is your problem Liam?! I'm out with Michael. I will be home later. When I'm ready to leave." You scoffed. He growled even louder and closed his eyes.

"(Y/N).. I swear to god if you don't get your ass home." You chuckled and look over at Michael.

"You don't own me Liam. I can do whatever the hell I want to do. When I want to. Quit acting like a jealous brat."

"Either its me or him. Your choice." He chuckled lowly.

You groaned and rubbed your temple. "Liam. Please don't be like this. I'm just hanging out with him. I'm not going to choose between you two."

You only heard silence, then a click indicating that he had ended the call. You thought about calling him back but then decided to let it go. He would get over it sooner or later.

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