• He Asks You Out •

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You and Scott having been hanging out a lot non stop since you first met. It would be right to say that he was your best friend but you wanted to be more than that but deep down you thought Scott didn't like you like that. While you were at your locker talking to one of your friends, Scott comes up to you with a bunch of flowers.

"(Y/N), I really really like you and I want to take you out on a date." Scott blushes and gets a little closer to you.

You gasp and stroke your imaginary beard and think about it. Scott laughs and bites his lip.

"So is that a yes or?" He smiles.

"Yes Scott. I would love to go out with you." You take the flowers and give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Pick me up at eight lover boy!" You smile and walk away with a pep in your step.


You and Stiles have been having movie nights a lot and you guys have gotten closer everyday.  Tonight was one of those nights. 

As you two were watching some movie Stiles pauses the movie and turns towards you.

"Uh. (Y/N).. I.. uh..(Y/N).. Would you uh maybe want to uh.. go out one day? You know.. With me?" Stiles stutters.

You smile and give him a big hug.

"I would love to go out with you Stiles." You whisper in his ear.

"Really?! That's great! I uh, will pick you up at six tomorrow!" He smiles and kisses your nose.

For the rest of the night you two watched movies and laughed about anything.


You and Derek have been really close lately ever since you two met. Nothing could seperate you two. You two always went somewhere and it made people think you two were dating. But the sad part is you weren't. You wanted to but you knew he wouldn't feel the same way.

"(Y/N)? What are you thinking about?" Derek questioned. You just shrugged your shoulders and sighed. "Nothing really. Just thinking." He pouted and poked your side.

"Tell me or I'll do it." Derek laughed and gave you a playful glare. Oh crap. No.

"Derek no. Not in the mood for that!" You scream and run. He laughed and chased after you.

"Cmon (Y/N)! Pleaseee." Derek whines while tickling you. You laugh and move around to get out of his grasp.

"Okay fine Derek. I want to go out." You blush. He stops what he was doing and stares at you. "Like out to eat?"

You nod your head and sigh. "But not as friends.. I want to be more than friends Der."

You feel his fingers lift up your chin and make you face him. "I would love that. I always wanted to ask you but, I never would think you felt the same way.." He admits. You smile and hug him.


You and Isaac were pretty close friends. Everyone knew that you two could never be seperated.

Most people thought you two were dating, hell, everyone thought you guys were dating.

You two would sometimes pretend to act like a couple but in reality you were just friends. You wanted to be more than friends but to you it seemed like Isaac didn't want to go futher in your relationship.

As you were talking to one of your friends at your locker you felt someone push you up against them. "(Y/N). I want to take you out on a date. I want the rumors of us to be true. So what do you say? Do you want them to be true?" Isaac smiled.

You were shocked to say the least. Isaac never had the confidence to do this.

"Isaac, I.. I really like you too. I have always wanted the rumors to be true." You smiled and hugged him.

He grabbed your hand and you two walked down the hallways hearing the gossip that will soon be true about you two.

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