• He Gets a Tattoo •

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You slowly ran your fingertips over the two bands. Thinking about how much it would have hurt him to get it fully shaded in. But lucky for him, he didn't feel much pain.

"(Y/N). You have been touching my tattoo for a while. Do you not like it?" He pouted.

"No baby! I love it. It's just so interesting to me. What do they mean?"

"They symbolize growth. Like the rings of a tree." He smiles, watching you run your fingers around it.

"Have you grown Scott? Is that why you got them?" You question, looking at him.

"I think I have. I have become stronger as a person. My mind is better. I feel stronger." You gave him a smile, kissing his cheek.

"You are stronger Scott. More than you think."


You were currently on your couch, reading a book waiting for your boyfriend Stiles to get home. He had said he had a big surprise he wanted to show you.

Not even ten seconds later he bursts through the door with Scott behind him.

"Babe! babe! babe! Look at what I got!" He says excitedly turning to the side to show you his arm.

Gasping you get up and look at the black ink on your boyfriend. "Do you get a tattoo of the batman symbol?" He nodded rapidly smiling brightly.

You looked over at Scott and saw him laughing. "You let him do this? What the hell Scott." He held his hands up in defense and chuckled.

"He wanted it so I went with him. Look how happy he is. He might want to stop touching it or it will mess up." Scott says making you look at your silly boyfriend watching him poke at it.

"Stiles don't touch it! He is so special. Oh lord he is so special. I need help." You whined making Scott laugh louder.


You and Derek were in his bed cuddling, telling each other things about yourself. You have been dating Derek for a little over a year now and things were going pretty well.

"(Y/N). Are you there?" You heard him chuckle. You nodded your head, returning your gaze back to him.

"Sorry I just zoned out. Heh." When you looked at him he seemed nervous. He shoulders were tense and he looked a little sweaty.

"Derek? Are you okay? You seem nervous." He laughed nervously, pulling off his shirt. You gave him a questioing look then gasped when he turned around and you saw beautiful cursive on his shoulder blade.

"You got a new tattoo! Is that what you were nervous about?" You giggled, looking closer at the tattoo. Your eyes widened once you saw that the writing was your name.

"Oh my god Derek! You got my name on your skin, why would you do that?" You panicked.

"Because I love you (Y/N). And I want you with me forever. I don't care if it is permanent. I will always love you." He says, turning around to look at you.

"I-I love you too Derek." You smiled, kissing his cheek.


Come on. Let's face it. I can't see Isaac with a tattoo. Like no. He is too baby like for one. LOL.


not even old enough to get one. lol bye.

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