•Love Bites•

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You walked into the school feeling refreshed; you felt like you were a different person actually. Last night you and Scott had done some things. (winkwink) You were nervous at first but then you had went with it and you didn't regret it. (noragrets)

When you had got to him, you gave him a sweet kiss and poked his nose. He smiled and kissed your nose. Some of your friends had came up to you two and tried to hold in their laughs.

Confused you looked at Scott and he had looked away scratching the back of his neck, already red on the face.

"(Y/N). Those are some wicked hickeys on your neck." Stiles bursted out laughing as you gasped, covering your neck, walking away embarrassed with Scott walking behind you.

"Babe! They don't look bad! I like the way they look on you. Everyone now knows you are mine." He smirked and kissed you.


You slowly opened your eyes, coming face to face with a sleepy boy next to you. His chest bare and yours too. You had thought about last night as you trailed your fingers over the massive love bites you left on him.
You felt him shiver under your touch and whine a little. He opened one eye and gave you a weak smile.

"Morning beautiful. How are you feeling?" He whispered. You smiled and caressed his cheek.

"I feel fine babe. How about you?" He sat up and groaned as he stretched.

"I'm feeling fantastic. And I like the way my marks look on you." You gasped and touched your neck feeling a small bruise.

"And I like yours too." You giggled, winking as he leaped out of bed to look at his neck.


"Babe. Why can't we go out? I'm bored." You whined. He laughed and continued to set things up.

"Because this is important. I promise afterwards I will take you out sweetheart." That made you whine even louder and grab his hand.

You pulled him back towards the couch and straddled his lap. Slowly kissing up and down on his neck.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing? S-stop.. They are gonna be here soon." He shivered as you left a nice big love bite on his neck.

You got off of his lap when you heard people at the door. You giggled and left him there to open the door.

"Hey (Y/N)!" Everyone greeted you and walked in. Laughing when they saw Derek with your mark.

"Damn Derek. (Y/N) got you good." Stiles laughed. Earning another laugh from you and a groan from Derek.


You and Isaac were currently having an intense make out session. You two had went out and you had made him jealous all night. Some guys were flirting with you a lot while you guys were out. It had made Isaac mad but also turned on. Once you got home, he was all over you.

"You're so naughty (Y/N). Why would you do that to me? Why would you let those guys dance with you? " He groaned in the crook of your neck. Leaving small kisses on it.

"I don't know what you are talking about baby. I was just dancing with people." You giggled but then gasped as he softly bit your neck, leaving a small love bite.

"Well. Now it doesn't matter. Because people can see who you belong to." He chuckled and picked you up, taking you to the bedroom. (winkwink)


You and Liam walked into the school hand and hand. Smiling at people you passed by that had greeted you. When you got to your locker, your friends had came up to you.

"Uh. (Y/N). Why are you were that sweater? Aren't you hot?" Lydia giggled, knowing why you had it on.

"Because. I am cold. Yeah. So so cold." You wrapped your arms around yourself. Making Liam chuckle next to you and everyone else.

"Yeeeah no. Not gonna work. Come on. I have makeup to cover up those hickeys Liam gave you. Such an animal." She giggled and grabbed your hand, leaving Liam with the boys to laugh at him.

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