•Imagine for Teenwolfsfinest •

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You walked into to Derek's loft with bags full of food items. You wanted to make him a special dinner tonight to thank him for being the best boyfriend ever. When you placed all of the groceries in the kitchen you looked around for Derek.

You saw his car in the driveway, but you have heard no sign of him. You looked all throughout downstairs and still no sign of him. You felt nervous as you walked up the stairs slowly. You were thinking about all of the possibilities that could happen.

You walked closer to his room and heard low grunts and groans. You were hoping that he was working out and it wasn't going to be the worst thing. You reached for the door knob and took a deep breath, twisting the knob slowly you pushed the door open and your worst nightmare had come true.

You were faced with Derek and Braedon half naked in your bed kissing. Your eyes teared up and you stood there in shock. Braedon turned her head in your direction seeing you made her eyes widened and push Derek off of her. She frantically grabbed her clothes and stood in the corner.

"Shit! Uh. Jane.. Hey." She chuckled nervously. Derek whipped his head in your direction and had the same shocked look you had.

"Jane. Sweetheart. I-I this isn't what you think it is." He stuttered walking towards you. You scoffed and backed up.

"Are you kidding me? I find you kissing her in our bed, half naked and that's all you can fucking say? I can't believe this right now. Oh my god. I knew this would happen I just fucking knew it." You mumbled, walking out of the room.

Derek followed after you grabbing your hand with Braedon right behind you guys. "Jane please. Don't leave. I'm sorry. I don't know why I did it. I just, she came onto me." He rambled on. You yanked your hand away from his and slapped him across the face.

"Don't you even dare try! You are just like every other guy. I thought you were special Derek, I thought you actually loved me. I seriously can't believe this shit. Don't ever talk to me. Don't even try to talk to me. I won't and I mean won't talk to you. If you come near me I will hurt you Derek I swear. Have fun with her." You hissed, glaring at the both of them as you grabbed your bag and jacket.

"Oh. And I'll have Scott and Stiles come get my things." You whisper, walking out of his loft making sure to slam the door.

You drove to Scott's house knowing that he would be there with Stiles doing whatever. When you pulled up into the driveway, you slammed your door and stomped up to is front porch. You banged on his door wanting to punch a hole in something. You weren't sad anymore you were angrier than ever.

"Whoa. Jane what's wrong? Are you okay? You look pissed." Stiles questioned with his eyebrow raised.

"I'm going to kill Derek and Braedon. I can't believe this right now. Where's Scott?" You growled walking past Stiles to see Scott sitting on the couch.

"Jane? What happened?" Scott asked, standing up. You looked at him for a couple of seconds then burst out into tears.

"It's D-Derek. He c-cheated on me with B-Braedon. I caught them k-kissing in our bed." Scott embraced you and shushed you. "Calm down Jane. It's okay. We got you."

"I just can't believe it Scott. Then he tried to use the 'it's not what it looks like, she came onto me' card. I did everything for him and this is what he does to me. He goes behind my back and almost fucks her in my bed." You sobbed into his chest. He rubbed your back and hugged you tighter.

"Well then to hell with him Jane. He is a dumb ass for cheating on someone amazing like you." Stiles scoffed.

You let out a shaky laugh and wiped your eyes. "Thanks Stiles. Scott, is it okay if I stay here for a little bit?" He nodded and kissed your forehead. "You can stay as long as you like Jane."

A week went by and Derek had tried to talk to you numerous times since the day you caught him. You ignored him every time he tried to text or call you.

You, Scott, and Stiles were currently watching a movie, eating Chinese food. They had been cheering you up ever since then and you were thankful to have friends like them. They were like your brothers really. In the middle of your movie you guys heard someone knock on the door.

"I'll get it guys. Pause the movie please." You gigged getting up. When you opened the door you were faced with Derek. He looked like he hadn't slept in days, his eyes were bloodshot and he had bags under them.

"Jane.. Please let me talk to you. I can't take it anymore." He pleaded. You sighed and stepped outside. "Well, start talking."

"Oh. Sweetheart, I am truly sorry for what I did. You know I love you so much, I just had a weak moment and I gave in. You don't know how disappointed I am in myself for doing this to you. I hate to see you cry because of me. I really can't function without you Jane. I need you. Please let me have a second chance. I haven't been able to sleep since you left and I can't. I miss you so much baby. I'm not asking for you to take me back right away, but I want to earn you back." He sobbed, getting down onto his knees.

"Derek.. I can never forgive you for what you did. But I can let you try to earn my trust back. But it won't be easy for you. I'm going to continue to stay at Scott's house while you try. I need you to get some sleep for me. No matter how mad I am, I can't see you hurting yourself. Go home and sleep and we will talk tomorrow. Okay?" He nodded his head and stood up slowly.

"I love you Jane. I promise I will be better." 

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