• Imagine for mattandshawnsbae47 •

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"Isaac, why don't you just talk to her? You act like she won't like you back." Lydia scoffed, crossing her legs over, giving Isaac her famous glare.

"Yeah man. You two have been best friends for years. Everyone can see the spark between you two! Just quit being a cry baby and go for it." Stiles added. Isaac bit his lip nervously, he really wanted to ask you out. On a scale from one to ten he was at a five hundred.

"I'm just nervous you guys. What if you are all wrong and it messes up our friendship? I don't think I would be able to live with her being uncomfortable with me because I like her." Everyone scoffed the second he said like.

"More like love. You are in love with that girl. Madly in love with her. Everyone can see it. I'm just mad that you two won't fess up to each other." Lydia pouted.

"Just do it man. Or we will do it for you. And I don't think you want us to do it." Scott smirked making Isaac shake his head.


You and the group had decided to go out to dinner as a family thing. You all cared for each other and it was like they were your second family.

But little did you know, this dinner was for the group to make you and Isaac confess your feelings for each other.

So the two of you were oblivious of what would be going down tonight. As you all placed your orders and were waiting for your food, Lydia looked at you and smirked.

"So Jasmin. Have you spoke to Isaac today?" She asked nonchalantly. You looked at her then at him.

"Not really. I haven't been able to see him yet." You pouted a little making Isaac smile nervously.

He knew what they were trying to do the second Lydia looked at him. He pleaded with his eyes for them not to do this but Stiles and Scott smirked.

"So anyway Jas, I heard from a little bird that someone likes you." Lydia smiled.

"More like love." Stiles snorted, taking a sip of his drink.

You sucked in a breath, feeling a small blush creep up onto your cheeks. Lydia cooed at your cheeks and looked at Isaac.

"Well Isaac. Are you going to say something? Or do I have to do all of the work? Jeez Jasmin, Isaac loves you and we all know you love him too. Can you both just kiss and be together?"

You looked over at Isaac and caught him blushing. You couldn't help but blush as well as everyone kept their eyes on you two.

"Let's go outside yeah? Might be better for us." Isaac murmured, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

You nodded and politely excused yourself from the group, following right behind Isaac. Once you two stepped outisde, he immediately grabbed your hand and pulled you closer.

"Be my girlfriend please. I want to kiss you and call you mine. So bad Jasmin." You cracked a small smile, slipping your fingers through his.

"I'm so glad you finally asked, of course I will be!" He laughed and placed a sweet kiss onto your lips, still keeping you close.

"Now you're mine and I can kiss you whenever." You lightly pushed him giggling, finally happy that you were with him.

You mentally thanked the pack afterwards smiling at how funny it would be a few years later.

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