• Her •

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Stiles slumped into his seat for the third time sighing loudly

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Stiles slumped into his seat for the third time sighing loudly. He had been trying to get his best friend's attention for the past ten minutes at least. Stiles didn't know why Scott was in such a trance.

At first he thought something bad was going to happen then Scott's phone vibrated on the table and he was quick to snap out of whatever he was in and answer the text. Smiling from ear to ear he quickly tapped on his phone smiling as he did.

"Hey Scott! Dude! Listen to me damn it!" Stiles yelled out, snapping his fingers in Scott's face making him look up with a confused look.

"What's wrong man? What?" Stiles groaned and decided to reach for Scott's phone but he reacted faster and shoved it into his pocket.

"I have been talking to you for the past ten minutes but all you have done was stare into space then get excited like a dog seeing a treat over a text! So who is she?" He questioned, crossing his arms.

"What are you talking about? Who is who?" Stiles threw his hands into the air and nearly screamed. "The girl you are texting! I never seen you smile that big when you text your mom, so it must be a girl!"

At this point Scott knew he couldn't dodge this bullet. While Stiles was still glaring at Scott with daggers that could cut right through him, Scott's phone vibrated loudly.

"Dude, just tell me who she is. She seems to have an effect on you. You are smiling so freaking big. I haven't seen you smile like that in forever." Of course Stiles was a little salty that someone has caught Scott's eye while they were in the middle of supernatural business. He just didn't want something bad to happen to his best friend.

"Okay fine! Her name is (Y/N). I met her at the store last week. I just couldn't take my eyes off of her. She is so beautiful Stiles. I talked to her and her smile is just everything. She is everything really. We have been talking everyday since we met and I honestly can't believe she is real."

Stiles stared in shock. The genuine smile on his face made Stiles happy. He was happy for Scott. Though the other girls in his life made him happy as well, he felt something different about you.

"Well no matter what happens. I hope she keeps you happy dude. I like seeing when you are happy. I think everyone loves to see you smile."

Scott looked up from his phone smiling harder. "Really man?" Stiles nodded his head and smiled as well.

"Everyone hates eeing you so stressed over everything that has been going on. We love to see you smile and laugh.

Scott's smile got even wider as Stiles talked. As he looked down at his phone when it vibrated he looked down to find your text.

Y/N💘: Quit texting me silly boy. Pay attention in class! Text me after school and we can meet up and get something to eat. Okay? See you later babyboy. 💕

Stiles looked over Scott's shoulder to look at Scott's phone. Patting him on the back laughing.

"She cares dude."

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