• First Kiss •

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You and Scott have been spending a lot of time together and it would be safe to say that you two are dating. As you two were at his house watching movies and cuddling, you noticed that he seemed off.

"Scott? Are you okay?" You frowned. He gave you a small smile and nodded.

"Yeah (Y/N). But if I do something, promise not to get mad?" He whispered.

Confused you nodded your head scared out of your mind. You watched as he leaned in and put his lips on yours. Suprised you suddenly start to kiss him back.

"Scott.. That was our first kiss." You say with barely any emotion.

"Are you mad at me?" He pouts.

You reply by smashing your lips onto his again with much passion. "Does that answer your question?" You smirk and poke his cheek.


"Stiles! Stop! I can't breath!" You laughed like a hyena. Stiles was tickling you to the point where you couldn't breath because he lost in a video game and you made fun of him.

"Not until you say sorry!" He laughed and tickled you harder. You tried to get away from him but he was hovering over you.

"Okay fine,fine. I'm sorry that you are a terrible Halo player!" You said as tears ran down your cheeks from all the laughter. He gasped and put his hand over his heart. "I am not a terrible player!"

You took this as your chance to escape and you did. Laughing, he ran after you and grabbed your waist. You let out a loud yelp and laughed.

"(Y/N).. I want to kiss you. Can I?" Stiles blurted out.

Nervous, you nodded and leaned in. He put his lips and yours and you two shared a long sweet kiss. "Stiles. That was amazing." You smiled and leaned in for another.


You were at Derek's loft hanging out with him for the day. After your date you two decided that it was offical. As you two were cuddled up in his bed he suddenly let you go and sat up.

"Der? Are you okay?" You said in a soft voice. He only sighed and ran his hands through his hair.

You moved closer to him and straddled his lap and kissed his lips.

"If something is bothering you, I don't want you to keep it bottled up. So tell me whats wrong." You gave him a small smile.

He gave you a shocked look after what you did. You think about if for a second and realize that it was your first kiss.

"(Y/N). Did you just.. kiss me?" He cheesed. You blushed and tried to get off of him but he wasn't letting that happen.

"Derek, let me go. I wasn't thinking and I just wanted to kiss you and I just.." You got cut of by Derek's lips smashing against yours.

"Hush up. I wanted to kiss you too baby." He laughed as you hit his shoulder.


You and Issac have been dating for quite sometime now. You have honestly fallen in love with that boy but the strange thing about it is that you two never kissed. You had a few cheek kisses or on the nose. But never the lips. Why? Because Isaac was afraid to.

As you two were at your house studying you thought about asking him why it never happened yet.

"Issac.. Why haven't we kissed yet. You know like on the lips?" You sighed and sat in front of him.

He gave you a nervous look and avoided your gaze. "Uh. Don't know. Iamscared." He mumbled the last part really fast.

"What? You're paired?" You giggle and put a hand on his knee. "Isaac, you can tell me why. I won't get mad baby." You give him a warm smile.

He inhales a large breath and thinks about it. "(Y/N).. I'm.. i'm scared okay." You give him funny look and giggle.

"Scared of what? That my lips are going to suck you up and kill you? That I might eat your face because you look so tasty?" You started to laugh. He frowned and shook his head.

"I.. uh.. no..I just...I-" You cut off his stuttering with a quick simple kiss. His eyes widened in shock and a small blush creeps up on his cheeks.

"See? Nothing to be scared of." You giggle and kiss him again.

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