•First Time•

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Scott had made your first time very romantic. He had candles all over the place and music playing in the background. He had wanted to make you feel special and he wanted to show how much he loved you. After it you two fell asleep in each others arms listening to his heart beat.


Since he was a virgin as well, you guys had just did it. It wasn't planned or anything like that. During it, he was super nervous and he would laugh at certain times. You couldn't help but giggle as well. You two spent the rest of the night cuddling and laughing about how weird it was.


Oh man. Your first time with Derek was really heated. You had teased him a bit during the night and it resulted into a lot of things. Long story short, you guys had done it. He was very passionate and he had told you he loved you during that time. When you woke up the next morning, he was serving you breakfast in bed. ( Did I mention he was shirtless. Who doesn't want that. ugh. )


He had made this moment really special for you. He had spreaded rose petals all over the place, he lit candles, he even made you a nice bubble bath afterwards. When you woke up the next morning, he was there holding you close softly kissing your forehead.


Liam had made it really silly. He was extremely gentle with you and made sure that you were alright every few seconds. He made that night all about you. After it, you two had cuddled up and watched movies.

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