• Best Friends •

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( Requested Derek Imagine! Enjoy ♡ )

( Requested Derek Imagine! Enjoy ♡ )

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Almost five years. Five years that you have been friends with Beacon Hills mysterious man. You two met in high school, you thought it was fate honestly. The second you two met, it was like you could never be separated afterwards.

He protected you with everything he had in him. And you did the same for him. No matter what, you two would stick together. All through out high school it was you two. And it stayed that way after high school.

All though he was a werewolf, you still tried to protect him with all you had. Even when Kate had came back, you tried to protect him from her. But sadly, you couldn't. She had lured him into her trap and kept him hostage for days. You waited at his loft for him to come back. Scott and the crew had promised you that they would find him.

While you were looking into the distance at the picture of you and Derek, you heard your phone chime. Quickly picking it up you mumbled a hello.

"(Y/N)? We found Derek but there is a problem. We are on our way back to the loft, don't worry okay. He is safe." Stiles said, hanging up the phone afterwards. You dropped the phone from your ear, letting out a sigh, you smiled happily.

Waiting for almost an hour you paced back and forth, shaking your hands out nervously. You couldn't help it honestly, it was Derek. He always had a way to make you nervous, no matter what it was. Hearing the door open, you whipped around see Scott and Stiles stand in front but not seeing Derek.

"Where is he? Where is Derek?" You whispered out, rubbing your hand against your arm. Scott looked down with sadness, stepping to the side you gasped as you looked at Derek.

"Derek? Is that really you? Does he even remember you guys? Will he even remember me? What the fuck did that woman do to him?" You frantically paced around the room, biting your nails trying to wrap your mind around this.

"(Y/N), I told you that you need to stop biting your nails. It is bad habit." You heard Derek sigh out. Snapping your head towards him you sat down next to him. "You remember me? You actually remember me?" You questioned, grabbing his face. He looked at you confused, nodding his head.

"How can I not remember my best friend? The question is, who are these two dudes? They saved me from some cave thing. I remember seeing Kate but I don't remember anything else." You tried not to let your tears fall but you couldn't help the feeling. Joy had ran through your body when you heard him say your name.

"This is Scott and Stiles. You don't remember them? Derek how old are you?" You ask, looking deep into his eyes. He looked at you then at Scott and Stiles, chuckling nervously.

"I'm 17 and so are you. What do you mean? Is something wrong?" You dropped your hands from his face. Burying your face into your hands you let out a frustrated scream. Derek pulled you close to him, rubbing onto your back. "(Y/N). What is going on?"

"Derek, Kate did something to you. We don't know what yet, but she did something. Even if you don't remember us, it is a good thing that you remember (Y/N)." Scott smiled coming up to pat your shoulder but to only have Derek give him a look.

"Don't touch her. Never touch her. I will kill you if you do." Derek growled, pulling you closer to him making you laugh a little. "I forgot how protective you were when we were in high school. It's okay, they are our friends Der. They only want to help."

He looked at the both of them with a glare and muttered something under his breath. You thought in your head how cute it was that he was over protective. While the boys tried to figure out ways to bring him back, he was always over protective when it came to you.

No matter what age he was. He was still the same to you. He was still your best friend.

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