•Imagine for Potterheadforever16 •

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(Y/N), a princess from the Netherlands was currently in her hotel room deciding what to wear to the ball tonight at the White House. The president had decided that it was time to make peace with her country in order to help each other out.

She had heard that other countires would be attending as well such as, South Korea, China, Japan, Australia, France, etc. It was suppose to be a very big event for everyone. (Y/N) had decided to go with a dress that was white, with a red top. And she had also picked out some simple white heels that weren't too high.

She had a makeup and hair stylist to help her get ready faster and make sure that she looked very professional. They had put her hair into an elegant bun and added the head piece that matched he dress. They also had put a small tiara on her head and put a red diamond necklace around her neck.

Once her and her father were done getting ready they had been escorted to the White House in a limo. When they arrived, everyone had stopped talking and turned their attention to them. Many people bowed and some had given them a simple nod. As they walked to the president, some princesses had ambushed (Y/N) and dragged her away.

"Oh my gosh! (Y/N)! It has been a while since I saw you. How are you?" Someone had asked.

"Aw hush your lips. She doesn't remember you. Right (Y/N)? She only remembers me." The taller one smirked as the other one pouted.

"Um. I don't remember many of you actually. I meet so many people everyday, I just can't keep up. But you all look rather lovely tonight." She smiled at them. They all smiled back and showed her to their table.

"I heard that there were going to be a lot of cute princes here today! I wonder who I can steal for the night." One of them giggled, looking at the group of boys.

"They are so hot! Why can't I have them all." Another one whined.

(Y/N) chuckled and looked at the young men. Some would smile at her and bow slightly and she would do the same back. As the girls started to walk over to them, her eye had caught a certain boy. He was average height and had dirty blonde hair with blue eyes. He was standing with the group of boys laughing with them, showing off his perfect smile.

She had bit her lip softly wondering about the young boy. She straightened her posture, brushed down her dress and began to walk towards the boy. When he saw her approach, he did a soft bow and smiled brightly.

"Good evening Princess (Y/N). How are you enjoying the party?" He questioned, offering her a drink.

"It is quite exciting. All of the other princesses have made this time a little fun. May I ask you for your name please." She smiled, taking the drink and having a little.

"It's Liam. I am the president's son. It is kind of weird really." He chuckled nervously, scratching his neck.

"Well I think it is very lovely. To be the president's son and live in this beautiful place. You are pretty lucky." (Y/N) giggled looking around, admiring the ballroom.

Liam looked at the princess, smiling as she started to sway her hips to the music. "Would you like to dance princess?" He asked, extending out his hand.

She nodded her head softly, taking his hand and walking to the dance floor. He put one hand on her waist as she put one on his shoulder. They started out swaying slowly together, looking into each others eyes. (Y/N) blushed and looked away from Liam as they pressed closer to each other.

"You are very beautiful (Y/N). You are the most beautiful princess I have ever seen." He whispered, also blushing lightly.

"Thank you Liam. You are very handsome. You are the best looking one in here actually." She giggled.

"Attention everyone! It is time for the signing. Please go to your seats." Someone announced.

"I was having fun. I don't want to go up there." (Y/N) pouted, looking at Liam.

"Will you meet me at the garden later? We can spend more time there." He grinned, biting his lip.

"I will meet you there after this. I would really enjoy that Liam." (Y/N) smiled, kissing his cheek and walking to her father.

At the garden Liam had waited for her to arrive. The signing had went well and now their countries would live in peace. He paced back and forth thinking that she wouldn't come. As he started to walk away, he saw her walking towards him with a smile.

"I started to think you wouldn't come (Y/N)." He whispered as she approached him.

"Why would you think that Liam? I wouldn't do that to you." She pouted, hugging him. He hugged her back and rested his chin on her shoulder.

"I don't know. I just got worried really. I haven't liked someone in so long. It just scares me." He bit his lip, looking at the beautiful princess.

She looked back at him and bit her lip as well. "You like me? Like as in you want to date me?" He smiled and pulled her closer.

"That is what I mean. I really do like you. I have for a while. Every since my dad told me about the signing." He chuckled nervously, looking down at her lips then back at her eyes.

She noticed this and leaned up a little to peck his lips. She did this once again but this time he responded faster and kissed her back.

"So does this mean we are dating now?" She smiled. Their foreheads resting against each other.

"It does my princess." He laughed, kissing her once again.

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