•Imagine for StilesWolfie•

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You looked around holding your nerf gun looking for your best friend Stiles. You two had decided to have a little best friend's day and so far it was going well.

He had suggested to have a nerf war and it resulted to you guys messing up the house. It looked like an actual war zone. The couches were moved around, there were blankets thrown everywhere, and there were stray bullets from the nerf guns lying around.

"You can run Stiles, but you can never hide!" You yelled, looking around the corner of the couch. You took a deep breath and sprinted from the couch into the kitchen, hearing his nerf shoot two bullets, making you dodge them both.

"Damn it Kataryna! Quit being a ninja and get shot." You heard him yell causing you to laugh. "Never! You come out with your hands up Stiles and maybe this could be over."

You heard him scoff and move around a bit. You took this as your chance to peek around the corner to see his gun pointed up in the air as he moved. You smirk and aimed for his hand and shot a bullet towards it causing him to let out a shriek.

"You scared the hell out of me! Come out here and fight me." He sassed. "You come out first and drop your weapon!"

"How about we do it at the same time. Deal?" You chuckled lowly and peeked around the corner. "I'm not going to fall for your tricks Stiles. I'm way smarter than that."

"Then how about we do a standoff? Old school style." You thought about it for a second and smirked.

"Fine stand up slowly on the count of three. Alright? No shooting." He agreed and you both counted to three at the same time, standing up.

"Okay. So we do this fairly understand? We count to three and then shoot." He nodded and you two glared at each other.

"One, two, thr-"You screamed as Stiles shot his gun at your arm, running away laughing.

"You cheater! How could you?!" You ran after him upstairs towards his room. He laughed louder and tried to shoot you again but you dodged his bullets.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I surrender. Don't shoot me please!" He pouted, dropping his weapon and putting his hands up.

You held your gun up at him, thinking about pulling the trigger. "You little shit. I should shoot you right now. So I am" You laughed, pulling the trigger numerous times, using all of your ammo.

You hunched over in laughter after you shot all of your bullets. You have never heard Stiles scream so loudly or like a girl for that matter.

"It's not funny Kataryna! You scared me." He pouted, standing up. You giggled and poked his cheek.

"Oh hush up. You cheated so why not shoot you?" He crossed his arms and turned his head. "I don't know what you are talking about Kataryna."

"Aw Stiles. Are you mad now? Don't be mad at me." You pouted, wrapping your arms around him from behind. He chuckled and turned around wrapping his arms around you.

"I'm just kidding. But ya know if you give me a kiss, I may forgive you faster." He smirked.

"And why should I kiss you? Wouldn't you want to kiss someone else and not your best friend?" He smiled and leaned in slowly, his lips ghosting over yours. "Maybe I want to kiss you Kataryna. More than you think."

You looked into his eyes searching to see if he was trying to fool you. "Then kiss me Stiles." He placed his lips on yours, kissing you with all he had, making you melt into his arms.

When you two pulled away you had so many questions. He noticed your confused face and chuckled.

"Kataryna. I want to be more than friends with you. I had kinda caught some feelings a while ago and I didn't know how to tell you really. Will you please be my Catwoman?" You giggled and pinched his cheek.

"I will be yours Batman."

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