• He Gets Nervous to Talk to You •

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(Derek Imagine ♡)

"God damn it Derek just go talk to her." Stiles huffed, trying to push Derek but knew he wouldn't budge.

"No. No way in hell. She will probably think I am a creep." He whispered, crossing his arms across his chest.

Stiles and Scott shook their heads and sighed. Derek has been like this for a week straight. Well months really. He had always thought you were the most perfect person to walk this Earth. He wanted to do nothing but shower you will love and affection.

The problem was, he was nervous. I know what you are thinking, Derek? The Derek Hale? Nervous? The 'sour wolf' being nervous because of you.

The only thing he could do when he saw you was smile. And not just a closed mouth smile a full happy smile. One that seemed more real than anything else.

"Come on Derek. If you don't talk to her, you will probably never get the chance. Don't you want her to be yours?" Scott says, placing his hand on Derek's shoulder.

Derek nodded his head slowly, snapping his head towards your direction hearing you laugh. He couldn't help but let a smile show when he heard it.

"Better get ready, she is walking over here now." Stiles smirked watching Derek slowly back up towards his car.

"Hey guys! What's up?" You smiled brightly once you got over to them. You had to admit you had a little crush on Derek but of course you thought he probably had someone else that was around his age.

"Hey (Y/N)!" Stiles said loudly, giving you a hug also picking you up, spinning you around in the process.

Once Stiles put you down he looked at Derek and laughed at his face. He looked pissed that Stiles did that to you.

"Stiles! I'm wearing a dress damn it." You shrieked, punching him in the chest.

"My bad, my bad. Saw the opportunity and took it girl." You shook your head and looked at Derek, smiling lightly.

"Hey Derek. You seem really quiet today. Are you okay?" You pouted, stepping closer to him. Derek looked at you nervously, trying to think of what to say.

Stiles and Scott bit their lips to hold in their laughs. Derek glared at them and flashed his eyes red. You looked back at them then at Derek and grabbed his hand.

"Are you okay Derek?" He looked at you then back at the boys. Opening and closing his mouth to come up with an answer.

"Uh yeah. Yeah, I'm okay." He stuttered out. Making you giggle and the boys laugh even louder.

"Is the Derek Hale stuttering? Scott we must mark this day down in history!" Stiles yelled out dramatically, pretending to write it down on his hand.

Derek growled which made you tense up a little, making him stop immediately and look at you.

"Well I guess I'm gonna go you guys. I have homework to do." You smiled, turning to walk away but then be pulled back by someone.

Seconds later you felt a pair of lips on yours and a big, warm hand on your cheek. When he pulled away you stood there in shock. So did Scott and Stiles.

"Holy crap. He kissed her! He freaking kissed her!" Stiles says excitedly. You looked at them then back at Derek.

"You have no idea how long I have wanted to do that (Y/N). You have no idea." Derek mumbled, making you break out into a cheshire grin, hugging him tightly.

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