•Imagine for Potterheadforever16•

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You were with Isaac, your older brother, and Deaton in the training room getting ready to test your powers. Liam was also there just to observe and get a few tips on how to control himself.

Isaac did not very much like that he was here. He didn't trust Liam very well. He felt like Liam would break your heart and he didn't want that for you ever in your life.

While you were getting ready you heard Deaton and Isaac discussing what was going to happen. Being that you are the durid, you could hear them perfectly.

"Renée? Are you ready to show what you can do?" Deaton asked. You smiled and nodded. Springing up into action.

"Good. I want you to test out your mind reading powers today. I want to know if they work well. Oh and a little bit of combat skills as well. Alright?" He smiled and stood a few steps away from you.

You nodded your head and stood still focusing on Deaton, clearing your mind, you heard faint voices, as you focused harder you heard his voice loud and clear. He was telling you to signal a few things out with your hands to make sure that you could hear him.

"Very good Renée. That seems to be working just fine. Don't over use that power okay." He said sternly and walked to Isaac. Him and Isaac started to have a conversation while you just stood there.

You looked around the room and felt Liam staring at you. When you looked at him, he looked away. You wondered why he was staring so you looked at him and started to attempt to read his mind. When you got into his head you heard him ramble on about how cute you were and how bad he wanted to ask you out on a date. But he was too scared. His thoughts were swarming so bad that it gave you a headache.

You were pushed back into reality when Isaac shook you a little to get your attention.

"Huh? Whaa- Oh yes Isaac?" You smiled warmly. He looked at you then looked back and Liam then growled a bit.

"You were going to fight me to practice you combat skills but you should crush Liam instead." He smirked. You shook your head and crossed your arms.

"No I will not." You pouted. Just then Liam stood up and walked over to you. "I think we should Renée. It would actually be great practice for us." He smiled and lent his hand out. You hesitated, but then you grabbed his hand and went to work.

After a while you went up into your room to relax a little but you were disturbed when someone walked into your room. You noticed it was Liam and he looked determined. You tried to read his mind but it was blank. As you were about to speak he walked over to you and kissed you. Shocked it took you a while to recover and you soon started to kiss back.

When you too pulled away, you were breathing really heavy. And he was as well.

"Liam.. What was that for?" You asked. He looked at you and sighed. "Because I love you Renée. I do. I love you so much." You smiled and went in for another kiss but was interrupted by Isaac walking in.

"What in the hell is going on in here!?" He yelled which caused you and Liam to laugh.

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