• Belly Talks •

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You were currently sitting in your bed with Scott as his head was on your oversized belly. You were about eight months and you were ready for your daughter to come out. She had been moving around so much that is caused you some pain.

"Hey princess. It's daddy! Also mommy too but she is being a meany." He pouted rubbing your tummy.

"You try carrying a child for nine months! You would be grumpy as well!" You growled giving him a glare.

"Since mommy is being a grump, I need you to hurry and wiggle your way out of mommy so I can hold you and spoil you missy!" He smiled, kissing your tummy lightly.

As he rubbed your stomach once again, he felt a small bump on his hand. When he rubbed again there was another one.

"Babe! She kicked! Oh my god. This is amazing!" He squealed. You smiled at how cute he looked. "It sure is Scott. Now, make her stop because it hurts." You whined.


You were around six months when your baby first kicked. Stiles had his head on your tummy, singing anything that came to mind.

"Do you think she will look like me babe? Or look like you? Or a little bit of both? Or look like your mom or my mom." He rambled on sitting up.

"I don't know. Ask her yourself." You giggled rubbing your belly. He smiled and leaned down.

"Hey my little girl. Will you look like mommy or daddy. Kick once for mommy and twice for daddy, yeah?" He whispered, kissing your stomach.

You two waited a second before a small bump had rose on your stomach.

"Guess she will look like me!" You cheesed. He pouted and poked your belly. "Fine then. You will look like your beautiful mum. But you will be like your dad." You giggled and gave him a kiss.

"Just like you. Huh? What makes you think that babe?" He shrugged and kissed you softly.

"Because she will get something from me. So why not my personality? Or something like me?"

"Well good point Stiles. But I think she will have your eyes." You smiled, kissing him once again.


You were currently in the hostipal getting a normal checkup for your little angel resting inside your body. You and Derek were sitting in the room waiting patiently for the doctor to show up and check on your child.

"You think everything is okay? It is getting close to our time and I'm scared things will go wrong." You panicked, biting your lip.

"Yes sweetheart. I know our little girl is in there getting ready for us." He smiled, rubbing your belly.

"I'm just nervous Der. I just feel like I won't be good at this. I don't want to mess this up. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I mess something up." You whispered, your hormones starting up again.

"Princess. Can you tell mommy that she will be a good mom and she won't mess anything up." He chuckled, kissing your belly. You gave him a weak smile at his cute gesture.

A second later you felt your stomach rise up twice. You gasped and put you hand where you felt the bump and pressed down softly. Once again you felt another bump.

"Oh my god! Derek! Babe! She kicked. Oh my god she kicked!" You squealed grabbing his hand and putting it onto your belly.

"Yes she did. She is telling you that you will be a good mom. Isn't that right princess?" He smiled, poking your tummy softly. Once again she kicked happily.

"I love you so much Derek. And you too my little princess." You smiled, crying tears of joy.


You were six months along in your pregnancy and for you it wasn't as bad as mothers had made it out to be. You may have had a few mood swings and cravings here and there but they weren't as bad as you thought.

"Are you feeling alright princess?" Isaac asked, walking into the room with some tea.

"Yeah. Nothing bad today really. But your little boy is kicking today! He seems to be happy." You giggled, rubbing your stomach.

"Seriously! Is he kicking right now?" He smiled laying down next to your stomach.

"I don't know actually. Talk to him. Maybe he will kick." You smile, poking your stomach softly in different places.

"Little man! Mommy tells me that you starting to kick! Does this mean that you are ready to get out and see us? Because I am ready to see you." He cooed, poking your stomach.

You two waited for a few seconds then you saw a little footprint push up against your stomach.

"There you are. I seriously can't wait so see you. You are going to be so amazing. I can feel it." He whispered, kissing where the footprint was then traveling up to kiss you.

"I love you (Y/N). So much." He smiled.
"I love you too Isaac."


You and Liam were in the nursery painting it for your upcoming baby. Well he was painting while you were sitting in the rocking chair video taping him.

"Look at daddy painting your room. How manly of him to paint the walls with zebras on it." You giggled zooming in on his face.

"Babe. Put the camera down. I don't want our son to see this." He whined, giving you a puppy dog look.

"Look at daddy again. Being a big baby about it. Don't worry baby. Our son won't think you are a big sucker." You giggled even louder standing up and walking to him.

"(Y/N). Please. This is really embarrassing to watch. Don't make this a memory." He pouted, putting the brush down.

"Fine then. I will stop for now." You smiled, kissing his cheek. He smiled back and gave your belly a little rub.

"I'm really happy about this babe. I can't wait to be parents. I just want to see him now."

You let out a small squeak when you felt your belly move a bit. You waited for a second then it happened again.

"Liam. He is kicking! Here feel it." You smiled brightly, taking his hands and putting them onto your belly.

"Oh my god. This is amazing. Hey little dude! Mommy and Daddy are ready for you to come out! So hurry up in there. And don't cause mommy a lot of pain. I hate to see her in pain." He whispered, kneeling down to kiss your belly.

"I love you Liam. I can't wait to experience this life with you." You sniffled, your hormones coming out.

"I love you too (Y/N). So so much." He smiled, kissing your forehead.

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